Prominent Melbourne restaurant breaching workers rights

Former staff at one of Melbourne’s most prestigious restaurants say they worked up to 30 hours of unpaid overtime each week, leaving their payslips short hundreds of dollars.

ABC Radio spoke to 6 former staff members, including a former chef at the now-closed Cafe Vue on St Kilda Road, who said he would often work up to 80 hours a week for 40 hours' pay.

The restaurant’s parent company, Vue Group, denies the allegations, saying staff are "at times rostered to do reasonable overtime".

Chemical attack in Syria kills 70

At least 70 people have died in a suspected chemical attack in the suburb of Douma, the last rebel-held town in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta.

The attack after nightfall on Saturday sent a stream of patients with burning eyes and breathing problems to clinics, medical and rescue groups said.

Western governments were quick to condemn the attack, with the British Foreign Office calling for a much-needed investigation and saying that if the use of chemical weapons proved to be true, it is further proof of the brutality of Bashar al-Assad’s government.

Hungary’s PM set for re-election

Hungary’s right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban is set for a record third term in office with his party holding a comfortable lead after a general election on Sunday.

The ruling Fidesz party is expected to hold a majority, but there have been doubts as to whether it could retain its “supermajority”  - a two-thirds control of the 199 seat parliament, which has allowed them to pass controversial laws since being in power.

First Nations people protests the Commonwealth Games

Indigenous activists around the country will make a protest action on Gold Coast at Camp Freedom at the Spit at 6:30pm.  

The protest is calling for fair and equitable justice for their people and is organised by Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance - WAR, The Queensland Rohingya community, and RISE: Refugees, Survivors and Ex Detainees to make action against genocide, dispossession and torture.

Berlin police arrest six over attack plot

Berlin police have arrested six people who they suspect were planning a city-endangering, violent attack.

The suspects, aged between age 18 and 21, were believed to have been preparing a knife attack against the city’s Sunday half marathon, and had been linked to a Tunisian Islamist who killed 12 people in a truck attack in December, 2016.

Several addresses and devices have been seized and searched and Berlin Mayor Michael Mueller thanked the city’s protection forces for preventing such an attack with their “vigilance and police work”.

Hundreds attend funeral of Palestinian journalist killed in Gaza

Hundreds of colleagues and friends have attended the funeral of Palestinian video journalist Yasser Murtaja, who was killed as he covered Friday’s mass border protests in the Gaza Strip.

Murtaja was shot despite wearing a flak jacket with clear press markings as he filmed protests in the Palestinian town of Khuzaa.

He was one of at least nine Palestinians killed by Israeli fire at various points along the border during the day. 31 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire in the past week.

Remembering devoted Country Liberal Graeme Lewis

Former Country Liberal Party (CLP) leader Graeme Lewis has passed away on Sunday.

The long-serving figure was one of the founding members of the Country Liberal Party in the Northern Territory, and previously held the position of party president and treasurer.

Current CLP leaders remember Lewis as a proud “Territorian” who was "committed to fighting for small business, rural industry and better services.

Number of teachers fired from public schools rises

Teachers are being dismissed at nearly three times the rate of previous years, for being inefficient at their jobs and in particular, for sexual misconduct.


In 2017, 11 teachers were dismissed or asked to resign after proven allegations of sexual misconduct with students and two teachers were dismissed for sexual misconduct not including students, one teacher being convicted of rape.


A 24-hour open Bookshop offers diversified payments to its books

Logical Unsanity Books and Miscellaneous Phantasmagoria is little more than a tin shed in Bardon that offers booklover’s sanctuary with optional payment.


The place has no security and it is not entirely weather proof, the shelving is made of old styrofoam vegetable boxes.


According the bookshop owner Yarran Jenkins the place has an unusual concept but, it is recommended to burn out of laziness. He has had the shop for three years and the natural progression of his childhood efforts at retail.


Dr. Octagon: Moosebumps - An Exploration Into Modern Day Horripilation

- Hip hop’s Rasputin has been resurrected yet again after being killed off on Dr. Dooom 2, and those sixteen years in the proverbial afterlife have only made the intergalactic surgeon / gynaecologist angrier and more absurd than ever. In this new life, the iconoclast character has taken a turn to for the worst and we should all cower in fear.