Not 4 but 16 military licences granted to Saudi Arabia

Documents have been released under Freedom of Information laws confirming 16 military licences were granted for the export of military equipment from Australia to Saudi Arabia in 2016 and 2017.

Until now, it was believed that only four military licences were issued.

This request comes from calls from several human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, to put pressure on Australia to disclose defense deals with Saudi Arabia.

XXXX workers walk out

XXXX brewery workers in Brisbane walked off the job Monday to protest the brewery’s plans to hire contract staff.

United Voice Queensland spokesman Damien Davie said that XXXX would employ the contract staff at a lower pay rate than permanent staff.

Brewery director Irene Bell said that XXXX has used contract workers in other states and they are only asking to use contractors when it is necessary.

Red Cross calls on 2000 Australians to donate during Easter break

This Easter long weekend, The Australian Red Cross blood service is calling for two thousand people to donate blood.

This is to ensure there is enough blood to help treat cancer patients and stem bleeding in emergency trauma situations over the long weekend.

Blood Service spokesperson Erin Lagoudakis said platelets have a shelf-life of just five days which means they can’t stockpile them ahead of a long weekend and need continuous donations during this time to meet demand.

Monster Magnet: Mindfucker

- If you’ve even seen the second instalment of The Decline of Western Civilisation, aptly titled, The Metal Years, you can pretty much guess the formula this new Monster Magnet record. Obnoxiously named Mindfucker the New Jersey group have distilled hard rock’s most potent clichés and somehow managed to make them both inoffensive and acerbic in the same passing motion.

Mass Beaching in WA

Last Friday a fisherman on a Western Australian beach made a horrifying discovery. 150 short finned pilot whales had beached themselves. Authorities and beach goers worked all day to save them, but only 6 survived. Ebony Wilson spoke to Michael Noad, associate professor and whale expert, about the science behind mass stranding events.

4ZZZ Top 20

1. Flowertruck - Mostly Sunny

2. The Double Happiness - City EP

3. Arig - Mama Said (Single)

4. Camp Cope - How To Socialise & Make Friends

5. Soviet X-Ray Record Club - Weekend (Single)

6. Tara Simmons - Achromatopsia (Single)

7. Courtney Barnett - Need A Little Time (Single)

8. Ball Park Music - Good Mood

9. Bugs - Glue (Single)

10. Fight Ibis - Woolly Bop (Single)

11. A.B. Original - Blaccout (Single)

12. The Breeders - All Nerve

13. Scaredy Snake - 4000 (Single)

Woolloongabba bikeway project a ‘game changer’ for cyclists

The Woolloongabba bikeway project, worth 11 million dollars, will be Brisbane’s biggest bikeway and is designed to create safer routes for those cycling on Annerley Road, Stanley Street and in inner-city areas.

The bikeway will include a 2.5-kilometre corridor bike lane between Woolloongabba and South Brisbane, with the aim to separate motorists from 700 cyclists who ride along Annerley Road daily.


The first nonstop flight from Australia to Britain has touched down at Heathrow.

Qantas Flight 9 from Perth landed at 5:00am after a flight that lasted 17 hours and covered over 15,000 kilometres.

Previously, all Australia to UK flights had stopped at least once en route to refuel. But improved technology and fuel efficiency means the 787 can cover the ground between Perth and London with a full payload without the need to stop.

Tax concessions to wealthy costing six times the dole: Anglicare

New research from Anglicare and the Per Capita shows that tax concessions, to the wealthiest fifth of households, are costing the federal budget half as much as the total cost of welfare payments.

The study revealed that major tax concessions cost the government around $135 billion a year in lost revenue.

Anglicare's executive director Kasy Chambers said, "the cost to Australian taxpayers of the richest 20 percent of Australians is actually a staggering $68 billion per annum".