Flooding and Landslides leave 18,000 displaced in British Columbia

Massive flooding and landslides in British Columbia have left one dead, with more missing, and over 18000 people displaced from their homes.

The Canadian Government has pledged its aid after the once in 500 year event, and concerns being raised over dwindling food supplies after the floods cut off access to the region's largest port in Vancouver

Protesters in the Netherlands opposing use of vaccination certificates and QR codes

Protesters have marched through The Hague city centre in the Netherlands with flags, banners, horns and loudspeakers denouncing new government Covid-19 measures. 

Police estimated 20,000 demonstrators took to the streets of The Hague in a demonstration march over the new anti-corona measures. 

Queensland tourism industry ramps up efforts to get workers back in jobs

Queensland’s tourism industry is ramping up efforts to get some workers back in jobs ahead of the border reopening and in time for Christmas. 

Around 50,000 jobs have been lost throughout the sector during the course of the pandemic, as a result of closed borders and restricted travel.