School Strike for Climate goes ahead

It’s been a big week for climate activism, as Brisbane’s School Strike for Climate forged ahead today despite predicted storms. 

The Strike demands no new coal, gas and oil investments, net zero emissions by 2030, 100 per cent renewable exports by 2030, and funding for workers in the transition away from the fossil-fuel industries. 

LinkedIn shut down in China

Deeming the operating environment ‘significantly challenging’, Microsoft pulled the plug on its LinkedIn service in China. The American tech giant chose to shut down operations after several months of issues relating to data collection problems and censorship over users' posts.   

China’s internet watchdog, in May, reported LinkedIn for engaging in improper collection and use of data and requested them to rectify the problem.

Researchers discover new gaseous exoplanet

Queensland researchers have discovered a planet containing summer temperatures that reach 2000 degrees as well as having aluminium rain in winter.

The Queensland researchers, who formed part of an international team led by Pennsylvania State University, have found the gaseous exoplanet TOI-3362 b spans 200 light years from Earth and  it's extreme seasons are caused by an elliptical orbit. 

Tarnanthi Art Fair goes digital

The Adelaide Tarnanthi Art Fair has launched online for the first time, allowing people from across Australia and the world to log on and purchase artworks.

The 2021 Art Fair is significant as it will display over 1,400 contemporary artworks from Indigenous Australians nationwide.

The Tarnanthi Art Fair goes live today and runs until Monday.