Father wants to change smoking laws in Gold Coast strata schemes

A Gold Coast father, Sean Hardman, has launched a petition on the Queensland Parliament website to change the bylaws of smoking in strata schemes, after receiving second hand smoke from neighbours and causing health threats to his family.

The Body Corporate and Community Management Act stated people living in strata schemes must not cause a nuisance or hazard, but smoking was not listed.

Brisbane is not prepared for new electric scooters, according to transport sector

Transport sector groups have said that Brisbane’s infrastructure is not ready for the incoming wave of electric scooters and bikes. 

The Brisbane City Council signed contracts to bring an additional 1800 electric vehicles to Brisbane’s streets in coming weeks.

Rodent bait has killed hundred of native galas in New South Wales

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority has confirmed native birds are being killed by rodent bait.

Mice and rats were baited with grain coated in a poison that native birds are susceptible to.

Hundreds of dead galas were found in western New South Wales with blood in their faeces.


'Brisbetter' reportedly costing four million dollars

The Brisbane City Council is set to spend an additional one-point-six million dollars on their ‘Brisbetter’ marketing campaign.

This puts the total spend on the campaign at over four-million dollars.

The state opposition said ‘Brisbetter’ is a promotional campaign.

Labor Leader Jared Cassidy alleged the LNP are trying to “fudge” how much they spend on advertising.

$500 Disaster Reflief for Victorians

In national news, the federal government said they will pay $500 a week in disaster relief to Victorians in lockdown.

The decision came after harsh criticism from the federal Labor Party and Victorian acting Premier James Merlino, who pressured the prime minister to reboot the JobKeeper program.

China relations with New Zealand respectful

New Zealand’s foreign minister Nanaia Mahuta downplayed the possibility of the country being the next target of Economic coercion from China, saying their relationship with the country is respectful.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern earlier this week presented a united front in their approach to China.