Centerlink's digitised systems push Disability Support Pension cases further away

A Greens senator has questioned whether Centrelink’s increasingly digitised systems are letting urgent Disability Support Pension cases slip through the cracks. 

Senator Rachel Siewert put forward new data which said 130 people with a terminal illness died before Centrelink granted them a Disability Support Pension last year.

Formerly named Adani mining company found to have adequate measures in place

Mining company Bravus, formerly known as Adani, has been found to have adequate measures in place to minimise erosion issues near a major rail project despite having potentially polluted a waterway.

A recent report investigated allegations that Bravus failed to properly manage erosion at a rail project in Central Queensland.

Europe promises to help Africa's economic recovery in wake of pandemic

European nations have promised to help Africa overcome the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, at a summit hosted in Paris on Tuesday.

20 African leaders raised fears that whilst richer nations launch economic recovery plans, Africa cannot follow suit, and is at risk of increased inequality.