UK announces $77million fund for fleeing Hong Kong migrants

The British government has announced a $77million fund to help Hong Kong migrants fleeing political repression settle in the country.

The UK has offered special visas to holders of British National passports that opens paths for five million of Hong Kong’s seven point four million people to work, reside, and eventually become a citizen in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Israel announces it will not recognise ICC's authority

Israel has announced it will not recognize the authority of the International Criminal Court, with an investigation set to begin into allegations of war crimes in occupied Palestinian territories.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says although their Government will not be cooperating with the inquiry they will be sending a response, stating they will be rejecting any allegations of war crimes.

Brisbane City Council taken to court over Boggo Road Gaol developments

Community group Boggo Road Futures has lodged an appeal in the Planning and Environment Court, objecting to Brisbane City Council’s approval of a development proposal affecting Boggo Road Gaol.

The development, proposed by developer Stockwell, comprises a two-storey mixed-use office, healthcare and community space on the old heritage site precinct. 

Queensland Music Awards received record submissions

QMusic CEO Angela Samut says the Queensland Music Awards have received a record number of submissions this year. She says the vast number of talented Queensland artists proves the hardship of the last year has not discouraged upcoming artists.

The awards will also include the presentation of the People’s Choice Award for best live venue and the announcement of the Billy Thorpe Scholarship Prize.

Myanmar actor arrested for speaking out against military coup

Paing Takhon, a model and actor well known in Myanmar, is the latest to be arrested after the junta released hundreds of warrants going after influencers, celebrities, artists and musicians. 

His sister says 50 soldiers in eight military trucks arrived at their parents’ home at 4:30am. It is unknown where he has been taken.

Sydney teacher alleges she was sacked for her sexuality

A teacher in Sydney has alleged she was fired from her job for being gay. After announcing her engagement to work colleagues, Karen Pack states an email from the public was sent to the college imploring the school to distance themselves from her ‘demonic actions’.

Morling College says Ms Pack left the school because she could no longer adhere to the key value of the school about the nature of marriage.