Tsunami Warning Issued for Norfolk Island

A tsunami warning was issued for Norfolk Island after a magnitude 7.9 undersea earthquake occurred near the Kermadec Islands in New Zealand at 5:28 AM AEST this morning. 


The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) advised people in areas with a threat of flooding to seek higher ground, and those in Marine Threat areas to stay away from the water's edge.


Northern Territory Law Reform Committee report on Commonwealth sentencing laws

The Northern Territory Law Reform Committee released a report last month which calls for an overhaul of Commonwealth legislation. 

Certain sections of the federal Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) prohibit Northern Territory courts from considering local Aboriginal customary laws when deciding bail and sentencing for indigenous offenders of federal offences. 

Noosa hits back at Airbnb

Noosa Shire Council’s planning and environment committee meets next week to draft laws regulating the use of short-term accommodation websites such as Airbnb and Stayz.

The local laws aim to reduce surges in waste and public safety issues following a lack of movement on the issue from the state.

Mere Women: Romantic Notions

<p><span><span>- Warrang/Sydney based post-punk darlings Mere Women offer us a many layered love letter with <em>Romantic Notions</em>, their soon to be released, highly anticipated fifth album, out via Poison City Records.&nbsp;</span></span></p>

Cloud Nothings: The Shadow I Remember

<p><span><span>- Over a decade of existence in the bag, Cloud Nothings<strong> </strong>still love nothing more than to scale up otherwise middle of the road indie rock into blister-inducing flurries, by duct-taping a rocket to their music. This idea of super charging everything they do has set them as outliers in their realm. After so long do Cloud Nothings ever question their own idiosyncrasy, ploughing through the rough at the edge of rock'n'roll? Is there somewhere else they'd like to go before hitting the finish line?

Shugorei: Shugorei

<span><span>- It’s really quite rare, in Brisbane and elsewhere, to get a fruitful collaboration across the fence that divides art music and the alternative world. You can pick the examples from the last couple of decades on the fingers of one hand: <strong>Topology</strong>, <strong>Nonsemble</strong>, any others? Shugorei, just releasing their debut, self-titled album, promise to be a very vibrant addition to that very short list. They’re very different from those others too.</span></span>

Stereolab: Electrically Possessed - Switched On Volume Four

<p><span><span>- One of the world’s most beloved avant-pop bands, Stereolab have enjoyed something of a resurgence in recent years, performing live and reissuing classic entries from their disconcertingly large discography. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>So it is timely that they gather non-album tunes, EP tracks and other rarities from 1999 to 2008 and compile them in the fourth and latest edition of their celebrated <em>Switched On</em> series. </span></span></p>