Home Affairs Minister fast-tracks grant days after political donation

Obtained ministerial briefings reveal Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton fast-tracked a one-off $880,000 grant to an association after it made a political donation in personal support of him.

The National Retail Association (NRA) made a $1,500 donation to the Queensland Liberal National Party at a NRA event.

Youth justice advocates slam Palaszczuk Government’s tough new measures

Leading youth justice advocates warn the Palaszczuk Government’s new measures on youth crime will fail to reduce offending, and will instead push children further to the margins.

"GPS devices don't prevent crime, all they do is tell the police in a snapshot where somebody was at a particular time," said Former Queensland Law Society president Bill Potts.

"It's something that might make the public feel good, but which doesn't necessarily prevent crime,” said Mr Potts, suggesting the Government instead address the underlying causes of youth offending.