Labor claims victory in ACT election

The Labor party has claimed victory in the ACT state election, expected to form a minority government with the Greens party. The Labor party has won 10 seats, with two still undecided. This is the ACT Labor party’s sixth consecutive term, having governed the territory for the past 19 years.

COVID restrictions ease further

Queensland’s COVID-19 restrictions have eased over the weekend, announced by Deputy Premier Steven Miles late Friday afternoon. People can now gather in groups of 40 in homes, can dance at school formals and weddings, and aged care residents are permitted to go on excursions. The Deputy Premier said they would wait until the end of the month before making any decisions on easing border restrictions.

Early voting opens across Queensland

Early voting has open across the state this morning, in anticipation of the upcoming state election on October 31. The Queensland Electoral Commission predicts around 2 million Queenslanders will cast their votes early due to coronavirus safety fears. From today until October 30, there will be 200 early polling booths open across the state.

A Coldy During COVID

In recent months, Coronavirus restrictions saw many craft breweries pouring their kegs down the drain due to the closure of brewing venues and beer-drinking festivals. 

4ZZZ reporter Samantha Caldwell spoke with Jon Foochs, head brewer of Sea Legs Brewing about the realities of running a craft brewing business during these trying times. 

Twelve-year-old Canadian boy discovers rare dinosaur fossils

A 12-year-old Canadian boy Nathan Hrushkin discovered fossils which scientists say belonged to the hadrosaur, also known as the ‘duck-billed dinosaur’. 

Nathan has been commended for his handling of the discovery which led to a conservation team uncovering 30-50 more bones in the same canyon. 

Kevin Rudd's petition for a Royal Commission into News Corp gains traction

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s petition for a royal commission into Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp has gained over 200 000 signatures within a week.

Mr Rudd called News Corp a ‘cancer on democracy’ and cited concerns of its power to shift public opinion for its own agenda. 

Most Australians aren't confident using automatic defibrillators, survey shows

A new survey from the Heart Foundation found that most Australians would not feel confident using an automatic defibrillator if someone was in cardiac arrest.

Automatic defibrillators can be found in most public places such as schools, shopping centres and gyms, but 1 in 3 of those surveyed had never even heard of the device.