New initiative to tackle harassment

An international survey involving 15,500 people of all ages was interviewed about their experiences of harassment on two levels – as both victims and witnesses of sexual harassment in public spaces.

A survey conducted by researchers at Cornell University and L'Oréal Paris.  Noted that 78% of women have experienced sexual harassment in public spaces. Only 25% of victims say someone helped. Therefore 86% of us do not know what to do when we witness it happening. 

Funds help recover and rebuild bushfire-ravaged communities

Bushfire-ravaged communities are accessing millions in Federal Government money to help them recover and rebuild.

Emergency Management Minister David Littleproud said the Commonwealth (as of 6 March) has funded and distributed almost $177.55 million in disaster recovery help—with more on the way.

 “We’re getting the money to those who need it most, ” Minister Littleproud said.

90-year mystery unravelled using a new mathematical algorithm

A collaboration between Exciton Science, UNSW and CSIRO – has solved one of the fundamental mysteries of chemistry, in turn supplying the data that may positively impact the future designs of solar cells and other next-gen technologies. Scientists led by Timothy Schmidt from the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science and UNSW Sydney have succeeded in unravelling the 90-year mystery using a new mathematical algorithm developed by co-author Dr Phill kerby from CSIRO’s Data61.

Tourism Night Of Nights To Hit Sunshine coast

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has announced Queensland will host the 2021 Australian Tourism Awards for the first time in close to a decade.

The Premier today announced Australian tourism’s night of nights would head to the Sunshine Coast in February next year.

Ms Palaszczuk says “Tourism supports one in 10 Queensland jobs,” 

Tourism Industry Development Minister Kate Jones said Queensland was the perfect place to host this annual celebration.

Fortitude Valley PCYC development approval gives green light for jobs

The proposed redevelopment of the Police-Citizens Youth Clubs (PCYC) funded by Silverstone Developments has gone ahead,

Queensland’s Fortitude Valley facility is now approved, Member McConnel Grace said construction was anticipated to begin in the first half of the year with the redevelopment employing 160 workers

Refugees face danger in PNG

A violent attack by local men early Sunday morning targeted Manus Island refugees being housed in a hotel in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

The men attacked the gate, saying "This is not your country. We will kill them."

The attack is the second in three weeks, but police did not attend, despite numerous calls.

Spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition, Ian Rintoul, says the Australian government is responsible for leaving the refugees in danger.

Young Australians concerned about climate change's impact on oceans

 A new survey released for Sustainable Seafood Week reveals 9 in 10 young Australians are concerned about the impact of climate change on our oceans.

Figures show one-third of the world's seafood population is in decline, with 88% of young Aussies concerned about what that could mean for our future generations.

"We can all do more to promote a sustainable seafood industry," says the Marine Stewardship Council's Anne Gabriel.