South African court clears Cyril Ramaphosa over political donation

A South African Court has cleared President Cyril Ramaphosa over allegations around a donation of more than $36,000. 


A controversial private firm, Bosasa, had made the donation towards Mr Ramaphosa's campaign for the leadership of the African National Congress in 2017.


The South African court ruled that Public Protector Busisiwe  Mkhwebane showed a lack of knowledge of the law and did not have the power to investigate the donation.


US Presidential Campaign Update

The United States’ Presidential Election is coming up, as more states head to the polls to vote on the Democratic nominee.


The two candidates, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, are competing to determine who will be up against President Donald Trump in the November elections.

Dark Mofo 2020 cancelled due to Coronavirus

Tasmania’s Dark Mofo 2020 was set to be held in June but has been cancelled due to concerns of a coronavirus outbreak. 


The creative director of Dark Mofo, Leigh Carmichael said that it is with deep regret and sadness that they have made the decision to cancel. 


Miss Carmichael also said that after a thorough risk assessment, there was no other option than to move this year’s program to 2021. 

Brisbane woman caught in Italy 'red zone' amid virus fears

A Brisbane woman has managed to flee Italy just before the country imposed a lockdown from Coronavirus fears. 


Arielle Turnbull, aged 18, fled across the border to Switzerland after arriving in Italy on January 3 for a gap  year in the small town of Verano Brianza, about 45 minutes north of Milan.


Ms Turnbull, who then began working as an au pair in Switzerland, said many of her friends are stuck in Italy or had already left before the lockdown.

Hopes to reveal the economic potential of rare earth elements in Australia

Researchers are hoping to find undiscovered deposits of rare earth metals that could make Australia one of the leading suppliers for electronic devices and electric vehicles.


James Cook University’s Associate Professor Carl Spandler is the chief investigator of the project that aims to find undiscovered deposits of rare earth metals within the Australian continent which could help alleviate the pressure of relying on a single supplier.


Giant Crustacean suspected of stealing researchers camera

A giant Crustacean has been suspected of nicking a $6000 camera off a researcher on Christmas Island. 


Annabel Dorrestein, a Western Sydney University PhD candidate said she had set up her camera on a tripod with an external battery overnight and when she returned the next morning she found the camera was gone. 


The researcher said she found obvious evidence of the culprit on her remaining equipment and suspected the notorious crab as they are known to drag off goods. 


International Women’s day celebrated worldwide amid opposing protests

International Women’s day was celebrated world-wide on Sunday March eight with protests ranging from Chile to India. 

In countries rife with patriarchy, the protests represent a generational change and have been met with opposition from political parties and social activists alike.

In Pakistan, an unprecedented number of women came out in cities across the country with the main slogan ‘My body, my choice’ and placards criticising gendered norms.

Former anti-gay U.S. Congressman Comes out as gay

Controversial Ex U.S. congressman, Aaron Schock comes out as a homosexual man - with mixed reactions. 

During his time in congress, Schock opposed lifting the ban on gays serving in the military and same-sex marriage. He also voted not to to extend hate crime preventions, to include gender identity and sexual orientation.  Aaron left congress following his involvement with scandals entailing the alleged misuse of campaign funds.

Hydrogen industry starting up in Queensland

Three hydrogen industry champions have been appointed to help achieve the Palaszczuk Government’s vision for a successful hydrogen industry in Queensland.

Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said these three champions will boost the profile of renewable hydrogen in their regions and promote the fast-emerging opportunities for renewable hydrogen in Queensland.