Scott & Charlene's Wedding: When In Rome, Carpe Diem
- Ahead of a glorious return to Adelaide hometown and then a jaunt at the mythic Meredith music festival amphitheatre, Craig Dermody, at the front of Scott & Charlene’s Wedding, has dropped a neat, six-track EP.
Jonnine: Super Natural
- Best known as half of dub pop band HTRK, Jonnine Standish has always had strong ties to a community of like-minded musicians and artists in Australia. Immortalised to many as the eponymous femme fatale in Rowland S. Howard’s I Know A Girl Called Johnnie, Standish has a cool and distant demeanour that no doubt precedes her. Somewhat surprisingly, Super Natural marks Jonnine’s first solo outing.
Lux Tax: Cup Of The Lord
- It’s been quite some time since we’ve taken a spray from the nozzle that spewed the ‘80’s pop-industrial-no-wave detritus of Brisbane cool-kids Bitchratch. I think they broke up somewhere there?
KILNS: You Can Bet Your House On Me
- Leaning into alt-country and classic Australian rock sonics, skirting the edges of traditional pop and making clear nods toward an emo upbringing mean Melbourne band KILNS defy an easy pigeonhole. Their debut record You Can Bet Your House On Me exists in the space in between. Apt then, that their lyrics address the anxieties, relationships and growing pains symptomatic of life’s grey areas.
Swirl: The Last Unicorn
- Re-issues and re-masters of albums from decades long past are often little more than a chance to cash in on the nostalgia market, seeking some extra dollars from people who were too young to have much cash at the time but are now in a position to have some disposable income. Fair enough too - if a band produces some good music, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be able to get some recompense, whether it’s at the time or decades later.
03 Greedo & Kenny Beats: Netflix & Deal
- Netflix & Deal sees popular west-coast trap rapper 03 Greedo team up with producer Kenny Beats for a full length thirteen track project. The past two years Kenny has risen in popularity off the back of several noteworthy projects and singles with artists such as Rico Nasty and Zack Fox. Greedo’s career, however, has been hit with obstacles as he was sentenced to twenty years over drug and weapons convictions in 2018.
Ausecuma Beats: Ausecuma Beats
- Ausecuma Beats are a nine-piece, multiracial afrobeat band from Melbourne, who are releasing their debut self-titled EP. Even dedicated fans of African music can at times get a bit nervous at Australian bands dabbling in the style, worried about what concoction well-intentioned musos will brew out of disparate but individually wonderful music traditions.
Your 11am Zedlines presented by Fanny and Madi.
[Image: Caitlyn Gribbin]
Iraqi forces kill multiple protesters
Security forces have killed at least 40 protesters in Iraq as a new escalation of anti-government protests erupted in the southern city of Nasiriyah, hours after the torching of an Iranian consulate in the holy city of Najaf.
Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi condemning the attack and demanded Iraq to take decisive action.
Curfews have been ordered both in Nasiriyah and the holy Shiite city of Najaf after violent protests.
Japanese store introduces menstruating badges
A Japanese department store Daimaru Umedain the city of Osaka has reconsidered a plan for employees to wear badges when they're menstruating, which was originally aimed at fostering sympathy among co-workers but triggered a public outcry.
"We received many complaints from the public. Some of them concerned harassment, and that was definitely not our intention," said a male executive.
The Daimaru executive said the store had not intended to make the badge compulsory.