8AM Zedlines
Hugh and Glenda present Monday's 8AM Zedlines
[Image: news.com.au]
Gold Coast accused of having no climate change strategy
The Gold Coast has been identified as a climate change hotspot with a projected sea level rise of 80 centimetres by 2100.
The City of Gold Coast's climate change strategy expired in 2014 and has not been revised since.
Data shows 64,000 Gold Coast properties will become 'uninsurable' within the next century due to rising risks of riverine flooding and coastal inundation.
Breakthrough for Brisbane Researchers for side effects in Parkinson’s Treatment
Researchers of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane have discovered potential causes behind the pitfalls in the major drugs used to aid in treating Parkinson's disease.
The issues behind the medications used to treat Parkinson's stemmed from the fact that they increased dopamine levels in the brain causing patients to inherit the risk of developing compulsive disorders.
Skilled migrants encouraged to settle in regional Australia
Skilled migrants are now being encouraged to move to Perth and the Gold Coast as the Federal Government grapples with congestion in Australia's three biggest cities.
Almost 70 per cent of population growth is concentrated in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
Migrants who opt to move to regional areas will go to the top of the list for a regional visa.
Immigration Minister David Coleman says in the first quarter of this year there was a 124 per cent increase in regional visas being granted.
Last Climbers of Uluru Face Backlash
The last people to ever climb Uluru on an expedition broadcast on National Indigenous Television last Friday morning, have faced backlash for 'ridiculous' and self-centred behaviour.
National Indigenous Television host John Paul Janke criticised the climbers for their delay in climbing down Uluru, stating that this potentially placed the group and the rangers' safety at risk.
Vietnamese families provide DNA samples in an attempt to help identify victims of British truck tragedy
Police in Vietnam have taken hair and blood samples to get DNA from relatives of people feared to be among the 39 who died in the back of a truck near London last week.
British police are still trying to establish the identity of victims who in many cases lacked identity documents.
Police in Britain said on Saturday they had charged one man, 25-year-old Maurice Robinson of Craigavon in Northern Ireland, with 39 counts of manslaughter and other offences including conspiracy to traffic people.
Elderly French Woman Becomes Multimillionaire as Renaissance Painting Sells
An elderly French woman became a multimillionaire last Sunday, as a 13th century painting found in her kitchen, was sold for 24 million euros at the Acteon (ack-te-on) Auction House.
The painting was scouted by an auctioneer, who was inspecting the woman's house in June, and advised her to bring it to an expert evaluation.
Dominique Le Coent, who sold the masterpiece to an anonymous buyer, stated that the painting was a unique and monumental Renaissance piece- marking a discovery that sent ripples of excitement through the art world.
11am Zedlines
Your 11am Zedlines with Ally and Fanny
[Image: Unsplash/ Dan Gold]
Trump accused of sexual assault, again
One of the several women who came forward during the 2016 presidential election campaign accusing trump of sexual misconduct says she has documents corroborating the claims.
Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Trump’s reality TV show The Apprentice, has presented evidence in court filings to support her claims that the president sexually assaulted her in 2007.
A memorandum with the court states: “The plaintiff reported the defendant’s assaults to family members and close friends immediately after they occurred and then again over the years.”
Sixteen people have been sentenced to death for the murder of a schoolgirl
Sixteen people have been sentenced to death for the murder of a schoolgirl, setting her on fire after she was sexually assaulted.
The headmaster of a Bangladeshi religious school has been sentenced to death along with 15 others over the murder of a teenage girl who refused to withdraw a sexual harassment complaint against him.
Public prosecutor Hafez Ahmed told reporters “The verdict proves that nobody will get away with murder in Bangladesh. We have the rule of law,”