China urged to face tougher trade commitments

Scott Morrison urges China to face tougher trade commitments, saying that it is no longer a developing country.

Mr Morrison praised China’s development, but said that China's transition to a more developed economy needed to be reflected in the trade obligations and rules that were applied to it by the global community.

He also argued that, as one of the world’s largest polluters, China should face up to the same environmental responsibilities as other developing countries in the United Nations meeting.

Air-India introduced new low-fat meals

Air India has introduced new low-fat meals into in-flight menus for its cabin crews.

The spokesperson of Air India said the implementation has been driven by the health concerns over staff fitness levels.

News of the swap comes a decade after Air India fired 10 flight attendants for being overweight and just four years after it grounded 130 attendants for being unfit.

Tasmanian water supply deemed unsafe to drink

Tasmanian residents have discovered that their tank water is contaminated with toxic chemicals due to the lead paint of their roof running into their water supply. 

Documents show the state’s water authority, TasWater, were aware that some people had too much lead in their roofs, but connected the water tanks anyway, which sparked concerns that residents had been exposed to unsafe lead in water for years.

Adelaide truck driver avoids violent accident

A dashcam recording has captured a large B-double truck making a heart-stopping recovery on the down track of Adelaide’s South Eastern Freeway.

South Australian Transport Association executive director Steve Shearer said that it was “incredible that the truck stayed upright” after footage released from the event showed the truck’s trailers violently swaying on the road. 

The road transport association said, despite a history of nasty truck crashes on the freeway, the safe recovery of the truck should give the public confidence.

Drones utilised to protect marine life

Drones are currently being used in the Gulf of Carpentaria in aim to help protect the region’s marine life from illegal fishing activities.

Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said that the total number of fines and prosecutions for fisheries offences, in the Karumba district had risen to 24 this year, with a total of more than $24,000 in fines.

Mr Furner said compliance activity was vital to protecting fish stocks that supported Queensland’s commercial and recreational fishing industries.

Ageing body parts repaired using 3D printing

A joint Queensland-China research centre will use 3D printing technology to repair ageing body parts.

QUT Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Margaret Sheil said that the research centre, which is a collaboration between QUT and researchers with the Chinese Academy of Science in Shanghai, will aim to manufacture biomaterials for bone and cartilage repair, skin regeneration and joint reconstruction.