'Spanish Stonehenge' exposed by the Eurpoean drought

A 7,000 year old “Spanish Stonehenge” has been exposed by the European drought, after being submerged for over 50 years.


The formation of 100 upright rocks is already showing signs of erosion, and many fear that this could be the final chance to save a a much-loved monument by many locals.


Over 43,000 people are now petitioning to preserve the ancient rock formation before water levels rise again, and are calling for the stones to be relocated into a drier position. 

The federal government forces the removal of shark control in Queensland

The Queensland Government has been forced to remove shark control equipment set up on all North Queensland beaches north of Townsville, following a Federal Court decision last week.


The Federal Court announced that all sharks caught within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park must now be tagged, and released alive within 24 hours.

Reports of strawberries being found with needles are under invesitgation

Victorian police have confirmed they are investigating two separate reports of strawberries being found with needles inside them in Melbourne's northern suburbs.

Skye Wilson-Wright was celebrating her 30th birthday on Sunday night with a strawberry-topped cake when she bit into one of the berries, bought from a Coles supermarket in Eltham, to find a needle lodged in the fruit.

Earlier Bat Migration caused by inland drought and food shortage

The inland drought and lack of food in south-east Queensland have triggered the earlier migration of bats this year.


Bats are following the spring flowering season of north-west Queensland earlier than usual.


President of Bat Conservation and Rescue Queensland Jennifer Sullivan said the red-flying foxes population also shifted into later birth seasons.

Donald Trump faces an impeachment inquiry

In breaking news, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced a formal impeachment inquiry of American President Donald Trump, stating that actions taken by the President had "seriously violated the constitution". 

The decision was made to launch formal proceedings after a growing scandal involving a phone call between Mr Trump and the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he allegedly asked the Eastern European leader to launch a probe into his presidential competitor Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter.

19 dead after earthquake rocks Pakistan

At least 19 people have been killed and 300 injured after a shallow earthquake rattled northeastern Pakistan, tearing car-sized cracks into roads and heavily damaging infrastructure.

The US Geological Survey says that the epicentre of the 5.2-magnitude quake was near the Kashmiri city of Mirpur, where most of the immediate impact was felt

Rescue operations are expected to continue tonight.


Western Australia passes voluntary assisted-dying laws.

Western Australia Legislative Assembly has passed controversial voluntarily-assisted dying laws, after an extensive 70 hour long debate in State Parliament.

The law passed 45-11 in the Labor-dominated assembly, but is set to face a stiffer challenge in the state Legislative council.

The Premier Mark McGowan tweeted that the passing of the bill was a historical moment that West Australians "should be proud of".


Population Minister encourages migration to the regions

Population Minister Alan Tudge intends to encourage migration into regional cities after looking to Canada’s successful migration policy.

The Canadian provinces have taken a proactive role in welcoming migrants beyond bigger cities like building community networks and finding work for them.

By looking to fastest rails connecting between big and regional cities in European countries, Mr Tudge says he hopes migrants can catch the train to go to work every day.