Church leaders and anti-abortion MPs delay introduction of decriminalisation of abortions

Church leaders and anti-abortion MPs have united to delay the introduction of a bill to decriminalise abortion in New South Wales.


It is currently the last state not to already have done so.


If passed, the bill would also create a new criminal offence under the Crimes Act for anyone who assists in terminations without authorisation.

Councillor Jonathan Sri attacked over social media about his views on climate change

Councillor for the Gabba, Jonathan Sri has been the target of violent and racist messages over social media on his attempt to have council declare a climate emergency.


Brisbane’s only Greens councillor was targeted in what he called inflammatory and sensationalist attack pieces by the Courier Mail for his support of activist group Extinction Rebellion.


Councillor Sri said while the attacks were hurtful and emotionally exhausting, the amount of support he had received had been significantly higher.

Brisbane LNP councillor referred to CCC

Brisbane LNP Councillor James Mackay will refer himself to the Crime and Corruption Commission over allegations his private company was paid about $70,000 in ratepayer funds to promote the Brisbane City Council budget. 

James Mackay, who was only sworn in as Walter Taylor ward councillor in May, denied any wrongdoing but said he would refer himself to the CCC "to avoid any doubt" after Labor councillors queried the LNP administration during question time on Tuesday.

Lime scooters banned from Ekka showgrounds

Lime scooters will be pushed out of Bowen Hills next Friday as part of an Ekka ban agreed between show organisers and the scooter company. 

Ekka organisers say the popular electric scooters would create too many problems within the Brisbane Showgrounds precinct, and Lime will introduce GPS ‘geo-fencing’ to prevent its users from riding them in the area. 

Lime currently has about 700 scooters operating in Brisbane, but will have to scale back to 400 after a council tender was awarded to allow competitor Neuron to begin operating.

Report reveals health effects of climate change

A new report charting the effects of climate change across the Asia Pacific region has found it is also having an effect on the health of the population.

The study from Global Health Alliance Australia outlined a series of areas where the health of the region's population was being affected by changes to the climate, including reduced IQs in the children of people who have survived natural disasters, malnutrition due to declining crops and death from heatwaves.

Senior Liberal criticises party culture towards women

A senior Liberal Party figure has broken ranks with the party, calling for quotas to get more women into parliament and criticising the party’s attitudes towards women. 

Kathryn Greiner, a businesswoman and Liberal Party member of more than 50 years and the wife of federal Liberal president Nick Greiner says the Liberal Party organisation is less female-friendly than during the 1980s and “had not kept pace” with broader society. 

Arrest of Tanzanian journalist sparks anger

Journalist Erick Kabendera’s arrest in Tanzania has sparked widespread anger and renewed concerns over press freedom in the country. 

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Kabendera was “forcefully removed” from his home on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam capital by plainclothes security men on Monday, and regional police commissioner Lazaro Mambosasa has since stated Kabendera is being questioned over doubts towards his citizenship. 

Ethiopia plants 350 million trees in 12 hours

Ethiopia planted more than 350 million trees in 12 hours on Monday, in what government officials believe is a world record. 

The tree planting occurred as part of a wider reforestation campaign known as ‘Green Legacy’ which has been spearheaded by Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in an effort to combat the effects of land degradation, soil erosion and recurrent droughts and flooding.