Indonesia promises internet access for remote areas

Indonesia’s information and Communication Ministry promise to provide internet access to remote areas. 

The central government has promised that the entire Krayan area will be connected through satellite networks so that every school and health clinic will have the Internet by 2023.

Despite an abundance of natural resources in the North Kalimantan area, it is largely underdeveloped with little electricity. 

West Krayan District Head Secretary Dawat Odan said the entire Krayan region is facing the same problems. 

Brock Turner victim reveals identity

The woman assaulted by Brock Turner in Ohio 2016 has revealed herself as 27-year-old Chanel Miller. 

Chanel Miller, previously known only to the public as Emily Doe, has released her name to the public ahead of publishing a memoir titled Know My Name.

Turner was sentenced to six months in jail, and was also required to register as a sex offender

850,000 people in Sweden to see tax cut

Around 850,000 people in Sweden are a part of a $227 million tax cut plan, announced by the Centre Party with the Liberals and Social Democrat- Green government.

Residents of municipalities in of Sweden’s regional development areas struggle with depopulation, high local taxes, and dwindling welfare services.

The eligible Municipalities for the cuts will see their bills cut by up to $250 a year.

Trump says meeting with Iran President is possible

U.S. President Donald Trump says anything is possible in regards to meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rounhani at the U.N. General Assembly.

Trump says he would be open to talk with the Iranian President, but Tehran has rejected any negotiations with Washington unless sanctions are dropped. 

Trump says he believes he could solve Iran’s inflation problem in "24 hours".

ASIO Chief: foreign interference a existential threat to Australia

The director-general of ASIO Duncan Lewis says foreign interference presents a great threat to Australia than terrorism. 

In a speech to the Lowy Institute in Sydney Mr Lewis described the situation as an “existential threat” to the nation. 

"ASIO assesses that the current scale and scope of foreign intelligence activity against Australian interests is unprecedented," Mr Lewis said.


Murray-Darling Basin faces increasing dry

Murray-Darling Basin, Australia’s biggest food bowl, is bracing for a grim end of year as major dams are looking low.

The former Australian Federal Police commissioner has been asked to investigate water thefts and corruption in the Basin.

Interim Inspector-General Mick Keelty said his focus will be on protecting the scarce resource of water int he coming months.

"It is important that this area remains viable to the economy of the nation," Mr Keelty said. 


Lobster Farm to bring jobs to Queensland

The world’s first land-based Tropical Rock Lobster farm will be established in North Queensland, bringing over 1000 jobs to the region. 

Australian aquaculture company Ornatas is planning to commercially grow and harvest the highly sought-after crustacean.

"Having a strong aquaculture sector and a sustainable commercial fishing industry will mean more fresh, tasty Queensland seafood on tables around Australia and across the world," said Ms Palaszczcuk.