Variety Bash in Redland Bay to Raise Money for Seven-Year-Old's New Wheelchair

A team of mates are rallying the Redland Bay community to raise money for seven-year-old Saxon Pitchers’ new wheelchair. 

Variety Bash's Aussie Rock team will host a fundraiser at the Grand View Hotel on Sunday, August 11 featuring cars, music, door prizes, raffles and auctions.

Saxon was born with a heart defect and at 13 months old, when undergoing heart surgery, suffered a cardiac arrest, leaving him brain damaged.

Free Bus Travel Initiative For Veterans in Gold Coast

Local veterans will soon be entitled to free bus travel around the Gold Coast. 

On Thursday, the Mayor, Tom Tate, confirmed that The Transport and Infrastructure Committee decided to include veterans in the free travel initiative, which currently covers senior citizens. 

The mayor says the initiative seeks to thank them for their service.

India's BJP Party Removes Lawmaker Following Rape Allegations

India’s BJP party has removed one of its lawmakers, following a car crash which injured a woman who had accused him of rape. 

The ex-party member, Kuldeep Sengar, is currently in prison awaiting the rape trial and denying the accusitions. 

Police are currently investigating whether Mr Sengar had any involvement in the crash, which killed two of the rape victim’s family members.

North Korea Conducts Third Weapons Test This Week

North Korea fired two unidentified short-range projectiles earlier today and according to South Korean officials it’s the third weapons test in a week.

The launches are believed to be a reaction to planned military exercises between South Korea and the US this month.

After a private meeting at the UN Security Council, the UK, France, Germany and other countries said that sanctions need to be enforced until Pyongyang dismantles its nuclear and ballistic programmes.

Goat Meat Industry Facing Drought

Goat meat producers are struggling to keep up with demand as consumers turn to alternative meats, and a dwindling supply due to drought, sees prices jump to record levels. 

Meat and Livestock Australia’s Julie Petty says current prices are unprecedented, having hit an all-time high of $10.30 per kilo carcase weight in May this year. 

Ms Petty explained the drought and tough seasonal conditions has forced many producers to destock their properties, which has led to a reduced supply. 

NSW Hospital Staff on Strike over Safety Concerns

Public Hospital staff in New South Wales have gone on strike, following concerns over workplace safety. 

Thousands of employees walked out of work on Thursday, according to the Health Services Union but the New South Wales Health Department claims it was only hundreds. 

Labor health spokesman, Ryan Park, says the LNP have to listen to the workers’ concerns.  


Queensland Weather Breaks Records

The Bureau of Meteorology's latest climate summary has revealed the entire state experienced warmer-than-usual days last month, with maximum and minimum temperatures above average in some places.

The average daily maximum temperature for Brisbane was 23.5 degrees Celsius, which is 1.5 C above average and a record over the 19 years that the observation site has been in operation. 

It was among a number of locations in south-east Queensland that broke all-time records — including Warwick, Cape Moreton, Amberley and Coolangatta. 


International Students Fear Protest Repercussions in Beijing

A group of international students at The University of Queensland decided not to participate on the shut-down of the Confucius Institute protests out of fear of being identified by the authorities at their home country.

The protests that took place on Wednesday discussed the fact that UQ must accept Beijing’s directions on the management and the dictated courses at the Confucius Institute.

Unnecessary Knowledge takeover The Bearded Lady on August 16 with the Pre-Sonic Masala Fest party

Featuring a stacked line up of NZ lofi legends The Garbage & the Flowers, The return of Bris ledge's Thigh Master, legendary Sydney noise merchants Sounds Like Sunset, Melbourne post-punk legdos Winternationale, Brisbane super-legends Your Familiar ....and from 7PM solo in the front bar, certified l.e.g.e.n.d Michael Beach. Check out the details on the Facebook event.