42 Gympie Jobs Saved

42 jobs have been saved with Gympie workers returning to the former Carter Holt Harvey timber processing facility to begin manufacturing again following an agreement with the Queensland Government and Laminex Australia through the $150 million Jobs and Regional Growth Fund.


- Reinvention is a tool that artists use sparingly, unless you are of the David Bowie, Kate Bush, or even Madonna calibre. It can produce some clunky results (Neil Young’s 1982 “Trans” album is one such example) or come across as a desperate attempt to still be relevant (yes, Madonna can claim a place on that side too.)

Salary: Cul De Sac Breakdown

- Cul De Sac Breakdown is the second album by Perth nine-piece folk-rock band Salary.

A band with nine members could be expected to make some pretty grand music, and Cul De Sac Breakdown does contain a few big choruses and epic buildups, as well as a couple of almost psychedelic sounding jammed out passages. But Salary are mostly quite restrained, and in fact songs like Scrublot Banksia and Pogo are beautiful in their sparse simplicity.

Shamin: fine gnaw

- Shamin is the cleverly titled collaboration between percussionist Benjamin Shannon and pianist Sophie Min. The duo began playing together in Martin Kay's wonky third-stream jazz ensemble Forage, splintering off last year to focus on personal composition.

A new DNA test has been developed to help identify Australian soldiers

Looking across the nation, Queensland researchers have developed a new DNA test in order to help identify the thousands of Australian soldiers whose remains still lie unidentified in battlefields across the Pacific since World War II.

It has been more than 70 years since tens of thousands of Australian soldiers fought the Japanese in the Asia-Pacific and 5000 of those soldiers still don’t have a grave and remains are continually being found on Pacific battlefields, particularly in Papua New Guinea.

China has celebrated its Navy’s 70th anniversary with a parade off the coast of Qingdao

China has celebrated its Navy’s 70th anniversary with a parade off the coast of Qingdao.

Its fleet, including a 304 metre long aircraft carrier, was joined by ships from other nations to contribute to the parade, including our very own HMAS Melbourne.

"China's naval build-up and modernisation is unprecedented in both its ambition and speed,” says Adam Ni, a researcher with Macquarie University, who adds “by some estimates, China already has the biggest navy in the world by quantity.”

Russian president Vladimir Putin is expected to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the first time

Russian president Vladimir Putin is expected to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the first time in the next 48 hours in Russia behind closed doors.

This meeting comes not too long after the second summit occurred between US President Donald Trump and Mr Kim in Hanoi which ultimately led to no resolution on nuclear disarmament.

It is believed that North Korea is turning to its historical ally, Russia, for support as it has not been able to secure what it wants from the US - relief from crushing international sanctions.

$10 million worth of funds has been promised to help upgrade the North Sydney Olympic Pool

In order to help fund extensive upgrades to the North Sydney Olympic Pool the federal Coalition has promised $10 million worth of funds if the Morrison government is re-elected.

$28 million has been put aside by the North Sydney Council which is dedicated to improving the harbourside pool’s aging infrastructure, however, they have said a further $30 million is required to complete the project.

Brisbane City Council and a not-for-profit charity café agree on unpaid rent

Brisbane City Council and a not-for-profit charity café have come to a confidential agreement for unpaid rent following The Uniting Hands Foundation’s eviction from a historic council-owned building in Teneriffe.

The Nepalese charity failed to pay more than $17,000 in rent for their space at the Engine Room Café resulting in the council’s swift action in evicting them.