Tensions rise between Pakistan and India

Pakistan said it has the “right to self-defence” in response to Indian jets entering Pakistani airspace on a mission to destroy infrastructure of terrorist groups in the north of Pakistan.

While Indian minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat stated on twitter the infrastructure was completely destroyed, a spokesman for Pakistani military responded in a tweet, stating “no infrastructure got hit” and there were “no casualties or damage”.

Trump and Kim Jong-un arrive for summit

In international news, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un have both arrived in Vietnam, where they will discuss North Korea’s promise to give up nuclear weapons.

The leaders first met eight months ago in Singapore, working to remove the animosity between their countries, but this time there is pressure to aim for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.

White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, says they will meet one-on-one on Wednesday evening and again on Thursday, accompanied by interpreters and two guests.


Ferry Strike Set For Later This Week

Public Transport commuters may want to reconsider their regular routes as Brisbane Ferry Workers are determined to strike.

The Brisbane Ferry services regularly operate seven days a week, providing more than 5 million people each year with affordable transport across the city.

Due to poor working conditions, union members will strike at the end of this week with rallies prepared for Hawthorn on Wednesday and outside city hall on Friday.

Red Hot Fun For Brisbane Band

What started as an average gig for Brisbane band ‘Golden Age of Ballooning’, turned into a night they will never forget as Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Chad Smith joined them on stage.

After seeing the American drummer, the ‘Golden Age of Ballooning’ guitarist thanked the musician for coming to the show and proposed a jam session.

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers are currently touring Australia, and performed in Brisbane last night.

Serena Williams Cartoon Proves Not Racist

Australia’s media watchdog has ruled that the notorious cartoon depicting Serena Williams does not breach media standards.

The cartoon appeared in the Herald Sun after Williams’ loss to Naomi Osaka in the US Open, and depicted Williams throwing a tantrum on court.

The image was widely considered to be sexist and racist, but the council labeled it as nothing more than a ‘sporting cartoon’.

Wentworth to Broken Hill Pipeline Progression

A 270km pipeline from Wentworth to Broken Hill has been commissioned to secure the drought-stricken areas’ water supply.

The $500 million project was announced in 2016, when Broken Hill was only months away from running out of drinking water.

However, residents along the Darling River will not benefit from the pipeline’s construction, and will continue to rely on a dwindling water supply.

Donald Trump criticised on approach to summit with Kim Jong-Un

Tensions are on the rise ahead of the second summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un scheduled for later this week.

Trump is being criticised for being overly friendly and lenient with a leader widely condemned for human rights abuses against his own people.

Meanwhile a spokesperson for the South Korean government says it’s possible that the US and Pyongyang may formally sign an end to the Korean War.

Venezuela's President Accuses the US of Trying to Start a War

Updating the Venezuela crisis, ousted President Nicholas Maduro has accused the US of trying to start a war in South America.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier denounced Maduro after images surfaced of troops loyal to him burning trucks carrying humanitarian aid during clashes with protestors.

US Vice President Mike Pence also travelled to Colombia on Monday morning to publicly reaffirm support for interim President Juan Guiado.