4ZZZ's 'Hot Schist' Takes Over The Bearded Lady

The March edition of 4ZZZ Takes Over The Bearded Lady welcomes Hot Schist !! Blending 50% Science (schist being a very punny Geology joke you non-nerds) with 50% Punk, this weekly Zed Digital show, is firing up for Thursday 14th March. Button up those lab coats, tighten up those boot straps and join us for a night of empirical evidence with local bands Viscid EMPOWER and Occults.

$10 on the door for Zed Subs, $12 non-subs

Banana Bash Hosted by 4ZZZ's Electric Crush at The Flamin' Galah

4ZZZ FM Electric Crush and the Flamin' Galah bring you BANANA BASH!!
An Electric Crush curated collection of computer calculated cacophony!! Featuring Samedi Sound System, Those Acid Dudes, Lil' Pom Pom, Ultraviolet.mp3, Pill Testing (Nam-Shub & Sonic Acid debut) & Electric Crush's own DJ Lame and Rin with visuals from Aleph One. Saturday 9th March from 9pm at the Flamin Galah $15 and $10 for subs. All Profits go to 4ZZZ Radio - your community radio agitator!

Putin warns US with new missiles aimed at Western capitals

Russia's President Vladimir Putin warned the United States against deploying new missiles in Europe, threatening to retaliate in kind by targeting Western capitals with his own new weaponry.

Delivering a state of the nation address, Putin said the US abandoned a key arms control pact - the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty - to free its hands to build new missiles and tried to shift the blame for the move on Russia.

Many analysts say abandoning the treaty effectively signals the start of a new arms race.


US Democrats resolve to stop Trump wall

Democrats in the US House of Representatives plan to introduce a resolution to end President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on border security, according to aids to Representative Joaquin Castro.

Ninety-two lawmakers have joined Mr Castro in backing the legislation, which under House rules, could advance within weeks to a debate by the full chamber, controlled by the Democrats.

The move follows Mr Trump’s declaration of national emergency last week to take already appropriated funds for other activities to build a border wall.

UQ partners with North Stradbroke Indigenous community

The University of Queensland (UQ) is partnering with a North Stradbroke Indigenous community to undertake joint research and development projects.

The partnership will offer UQ students, researchers, and the Quandamooka community opportunities for study, work experience, internships and job placements.

Professor Aidan Byrne says the partnership is a win for all and an example of UQ’s close relationship with the Quandamooka people.

Fatal Brisbane intersection recommended for pedestrian safety upgrades

A suburban intersection where a pedestrian was killed when two cars crashed in August last year will be considered for safety upgrades following a petition by Annerley residents to Brisbane City Council.

The death of the 68-year-old man at the intersection of Venner Road and Frederick Street was described by Infrastructure committee chairman Amanda Cooper as “unusual”, who says their response to petitioners will depend on the outcome of a Queensland police investigation into the crash.

A business didn’t offer jobs to 17 interns hired through the Government’s internship program

A business which didn’t offer jobs to 17 interns it hired through a government youth internship program has been asked to return $17, 000 of taxpayers money.

Jobs Department officials have confirmed the unnamed business was kicked out of the Prepare, Trial, Hire (PaTH) program late last year.

The program has been criticised by unions as a way for businesses to use cheap labour for work which can be done by paid casual workers.

Westpac to face class action over home loans

Westpac will face class action in the Federal Court for allegedly granting home loans to people who could not afford to pay them back.

Maurice Blackburn lawyer Ben Salde says Westpac will be accused of breaching its obligations to protect customers from financial harm.

The class action, which may involve thousands of home loans issued after 2010, is the first against one of Australia’s big four banks since the banking royal commission delivered its report.