German blocks Facebook data gathering

Germany’s antitrust regulator have banned Facebook from forcing its users to agree to unrestricted data collection without their consent.

The regulator says “in the future, Facebook will no longer be allowed to force its users to agree to practically unrestricted collection and assigning of non-Facebook data to Facebook accounts.

Facebook says it will appeal the landmark ruling, claiming the watchdog underestimated the competition Facebook faces from Europe-wide privacy rules.

Mars rover named after Rosalind Franklin

The UK have assembled a rover that will be sent to Mars in 2020 and will be named after DNA pioneer, Rosalind Franklin.

Rosalind Franklin played an integral role in contributing to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA and RNA.

The honour follows a public call for suggestions that drew nearly 36, 000 responses from across Europe.

8AM Zedlines

A new study which analyses the Australian Curriculum Senior reading list has found diverse sexual communities are severely underrepresented in the selected texts, with only The Great Gatsby and Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night – containing characters, experiences or relationships outside of the heterosexual norm.

(Photo Credit Maya Nabrowski)

Saudi Arabia curtails the murder probe of journalist Jamal Khashoggi

A UN expert claims Saudi Arabia has “seriously curtailed and undermined” Turkey’s ability to investigate the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Jamal was last seen alive entering the Saudi consulate in Turkey’s capital of Istanbul on 2nd October.

Jamal was a prominent critic of Saudi Arabia and his killing is believed to be ordered by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.


BBC journalists arrested in Uganda

The Ugandan police have arrested a team of BBC journalists in the country’s capital of Kampala.

The journalists were investigating the illegal sales of government drugs, and the BBC says they are in contact with the relevant authorities and working to resolve the situation.

A Ugandan government spokesman has demanded the release of the team.

Study Finds Lack of Diversity in Australian senior English reading list

 A new study which analyses the Australian Curriculum Senior reading list has found diverse sexual communities are severely underrepresented in the selected texts.

Only two fiction books; The Great Gatsby and Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night – contained characters, experiences or relationships outside of the heterosexual norm.

Cladding fire in Melbourne CBD deemed ‘moderate risk’

An audit ordered by the Victorian cladding task force has found the Melbourne apartment complex that was the scene of a combustible cladding fire this week was deemed as a “moderate risk”.

The blaze, which started on the 22nd floor early Monday morning and spread its way up to the 27th floor, took up to 60 firefighters to contain.

Firefighters say the fire was caused by a discarded cigarette on an apartment balcony, which was then fuelled by the cladding.

Queensland floods leaves hundreds homeless in Townsville

Hundreds of Queenslanders are homeless and residing in Townsville evacuation centres as authorities rush to find accommodations for those whose homes were destroyed in the floods.

The families could face months waiting for their homes to be repaired following 10 days of mass flooding.

Approximately 20,000 homes are believed to have sustained water damage in the Townsville area.