Experts setting drug standards connected to drug companies

A report published in medical journal BMJ Open has revealed one in five Australian experts entrusted to decide which drugs are recommended for use by doctors have undisclosed links to drug companies.

The reports’ authors identified 83 experts with potential conflicts of interest they had not disclosed, out of a total of 402.

According to Bond University academic researcher Dr Ray Moynihan, though in many cases there was no requirement for the experts to disclose potential conflicts of interest, the results suggest greater transparency is needed.

Grassroots campaign to save Allianz stadium

The New South Wales Land and Environment Court will today witness the final hearing from a grassroots political group contesting the demolition of Allianz Stadium.

Demolition of the Moore Park structure is due to begin this week as part of the stadium’s controversial $730 million redevelopment, which has been opposed by both Labor and the Greens.

Opposition leader Michael Daley says the government has failed to listen to locals and is rushing into the project, labeling the development a “disgraceful abuse of a proper planning process.”

Quirky Questions

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk has faced questions from Labor councillors over the choice of French sports consultancy firm to compile a $62 billion infrastructure plan for Brisbane.

The People Mass Moving study, released in January, details a 20 year plan to prevent gridlock and link SEQ into a comprehensive rail and road network, but questions have been asked about why a sports event company has undertaken a major public transport study.

Ongoing Improvement for Women's Participation and Leadership

The Queensland Government’s Women’s Strategy Progress report for 2016-18 has shown ongoing improvement, particularly in the area of participation and leadership.

Since 2015, the number of women on Queensland Government bodies has increased to 47%, and has seen the appointment of the states first female Chief Entrepreneur, Leanne Kemp.

Light Plane Crash in Sunshine Coast

A light plane has clipped a backyard fence and crashed into Sunshine Coast bushland. Photos from social media have shown the plane landing among thick trees in the middle of neighbouring back fences.

Police have said the pilot walked away from the crash, with possible neck and back injuries.

Emergency services were called to the scene near Picca Place in Palmwoods just after 9am on Tuesday.

Australian Government Stepping Up Pressure to Free Hakeem Al-Araibi

The Australian government says it is stepping up pressure on Thailand’s Prime Minister to use his powers to set detained footballer Hakeem Al-Araibi free.

Al-Araibi, who appeared at an extradition hearing in Bangkok court on Monday shackled and in a beige prison uniform, formally refused Bahrain’s request to be returned to his homeland.

Vegan Ice-creams Labelled an Increasing Problem for Dairy Industry

The peak body for Australian Dairy Farmers has labelled a new vegan Magnum “a problem for the dairy industry and said it should not be called an ice-cream.

The vegan Magnum, released widely in Australia this month, is a dairy-free version of the popular ice-cream snack. It features dairy-free chocolate made from coconut oil and cacao butter, and pea protein flavoured with vanilla

ISIS Likely to Regain Territory

According to a new report released Monday by the Pentagon’s Inspector General, ISIS will claim victory over the US and is likely to regain territory as a result of President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria.

The report, the first of it’s kind since Trump announced plans to pull all troops from Syria, also says “ISIS remains an active insurgent group in both Iraq and Syria.”

“ISIS may conduct opportunistic attacks on US personnel as they withdraw but will leverage the event as a ‘victory’ in its media” the report said.

Four Women Killed Every Day in Brazil This Year

Four women have been killed every day so far this year in Brazil, a rate the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) called “alarming” on Monday.

The Washington-based IACHR said in a statement, “The commission calls on the Brazilian government to implement comprehensive strategies to prevent these acts, fulfill its obligation to investigate, prosecute and punish those responsible, as well as to offer protection and comprehensive reparation to all victims.”