Clive Palmer Claims Government Plots his Downfall

Former federal politician Clive Palmer has accused federal MP’s of plotting his downfall, claiming the government pursued a “coordinated, targeted campaign” against him from July 2015.

The claims follow Palmer’s refusal to sell a piece of land on the Gold Coast to a church, which member for Fadden, Stuart Robert, asked him several times to do so.  

Lime Scooter Grace Period Over

Brisbane police are set to tighten the leash on rogue riders as the Lime Scooter grace period comes to an end.

While riders have previously avoided fines in the way of “educational” warnings, police warn the time for cautioning is now over.

Officers will be keeping an eye out for people riding drunk, speeding, using a mobile device and having more than one rider on board.

Riverside Clean Up

The state government has revealed the company responsible for the contamination of West End’s Riverside Drive cannot be pursued for remediation as it no longer exists.

The site was home to a coal tar processing plant until its closure in 1986, during which years of chemical processing saw heavy metals and hydrocarbons leech into the soil.

Brisbane City Council has said it will continue to work with both the state government and adjoining private property owner to ensure remediation of the land.

11AM Zedlines

A new information kiosk will be constructed in the City Botanic Gardens to provide wayfaring and volunteer tours for visitors.

The new kiosk will be developed by multiplex in partnership with Brisbane City Council as part of the company's social action plan, with construction to start on Monday.

Council's Environment, Parks and Sustainability chairman David McLachlan said the need for a new visitor information complex was identified in the 2015 master plan for the botanic gardens.

Senator Fraser Anning Linked To Neo-Nazi Connections

A report released by the White Rose Society links Senator Fraser Anning to Neo-Nazi Connections.

The report reveals a blueprint for the neo-Nazi movement in Australia and the involvement of Andrew Wilson and others in Fraser Anning’s work. The senator going as far as to shake hands with convicted criminal and neo-Nazi, Blair Cottrell, leader of the far-right United Patriots Front.

Government Launches Website To Aid With Australian Life Expectancy

The federal government launched a website to improve Australians life expectancy. They set up this website that it will help millions of older Australians to live longer and better lives.

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Ken Wyatt said the Life Checks website, which has gone live today, enables users to make "choices for longer life."

The $6.5 million websites will give 10 million Australians aged 45 and over free advice on taking positive steps towards better health and greater security.

Mass Blue Bottle Stings In Queensland

Queensland’s major beaches saw hoards of blue bottle jellyfish this weekend, resulting in more than 3000 people being stung on the gold and sunshine coasts.

The jellyfish onslaught was due to strong northeasterly winds which forced the bluebottles ashore.

The mass movement of the stingers led to the closure of multiple beaches. According to Surf Life Saving Queensland, 9,300 people have been treated for bluebottle stings so far in 2019.

Smuggling Tunnel Found On Mexican Border

Mexican Federal Police have located a smuggling tunnel that crosses the border into Arizona town of Nogales.

The tunnel, which nearly spans 10 metres, was located along the southern border, where President Donald Trump has proposed the building of a wall.

According to the Arizona Republic, this is the third tunnel this month that has been found crossing into this town.

Saudi Arabian Women Notified By Text Of Divorce

From the beginning of this month, women in Saudi Arabia will be informed via text if their husbands are divorcing them.

Prior to this technological update, men could divorce their wives without notifying them. This does little to change the marital law system, as knowledge of the divorce does not ensure the right to alimony or effect custody of children.

This comes after criticism of Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman’s rulings have been deemed as a ‘red herring for archaic Saudi values and practices’.