French Babies Born Without Arms

France has begun a national investigation into why babies are being born without hands and arms across the country.


The country’s health minister has announced that several new cases were reported this week, and people are alarmed that some kind of toxin could be at play.


The public health agency has identified over twenty cases of these birth deformities over the past 18 years, all in different areas of the country.

Investigators plan to “go back to the mothers” and find out what the cases have in common.

Asylum Seeker Children off Nauru by end of Year

The government has transported several more families from Nauru to Adelaide to receive medical treatment this week, and there are now only 40 or 50 children on the island.


The Morrison government has plans to get all children off Nauru by the end of the year.


Border officials are now agreeing to medical transfers, whereas before a court order was required before anyone could leave the island.


Now it is hoped that there will be no asylum seeker children left on the island at the end of this year.

New Hospital Scheme in Victoria

From today, hospitals in Victoria will need to alert the state’s health department within 24 hours if a patient has life-threatening allergic reactions to packaged food or drink.


This new measure is being introduced after the death of a 10-year-old boy in 2013; the boy drank an imported coconut drink which didn’t declare the presence of cow’s milk, and he was severely allergic to dairy products. The department wasn’t notified that the drink was the likely cause of the reaction and it remained on sale for six weeks before being recalled.


Demand for Coal all Burnt Out

Demand for Australian thermal coal across Asia has plummeted, and exports are expected to continue declining over the next few years.


A study by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) found Australia's top four export markets in Asia were shifting rapidly to renewable energy sources.


New South Wales, Australia’s biggest producer of thermal coal,  is bracing for a shift in energy market demand.


Queenslanders take a step back and smell the grass

A new report has come out showing over 5 hundred Thousand Queenslanders have used an illicit drug in the past, with Cannabis being the most used.


‘The Health of Queenslanders 2018’ Report shows around 558,000 people over the age of 14 have used an illegal drug in the past 12 months with 86% of which have used Cannabis.


Classroom Off the grid

Bracken Ridge State School has become the first school in Australia to have a classroom that runs entirely on its own renewable energy.


The classroom has been taking advantage of rooftop solar panels supplied by Tech startup Hive Technology and a Powerwall Battery System supplied by Tesla, saving the school around 3000 dollars in power bills.