Sunshine and warmth forecasted for SEQ

The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting a week of sunshine and warmth throughout Brisbane, Toowoomba and the Gold Coast Hinterland.

Warm springtime temperatures are expected after a weekend of light showers across certain regions of the state.

While there is a slight chance of showers on Thursday and Friday, it should stay sunny all week.

Cr 'Jono' Sri sees holes in heritage protection laws

A Brisbane City Councillor has criticised Queensland’s current heritage protection laws, suggesting they are not properly enforced and leave chances for disaster.

Following the State Government’s stop order to prevent the Broadway Hotel from being demolished, Councillor Jonathan Sri said complaints he and constituents made to the Council and Government could have prevented the building’s blaze.

Liberal Party loses Wagga-Wagga by-election, first test since #libspill

The New South Wales Liberal Party has been hit with a 29 percent swing against their primary vote in the Wagga-Wagga by-election, becoming the third largest swing against the party in state history.

Blame for the loss of the historically safe Liberal Seat is being put by the Party on the ousting of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last month, as well as allegations of corruption surrounding MP Daryl Maguire.

World Suicide Prevention Day - Speak up mates!

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, urging Australian men to speak to their mates openly about mental health. 

Figures show suicide is the leading cause of death for men between the ages of 15 and 44. Instead of a minutes silence, Craig Martin from the Movember Foundation wants men to ask how their mates are doing.

If you or someone you know needs help, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Boris Johnson criticised over ‘suicide vest’ comment

British backbencher Boris Johnson is in strife over comments on Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plan, which likened the negotiations to ‘putting Britain in a suicide vest and handing the detonator to the European Union’.

Johnson’s comment, made in the Daily Mail, has been widely condemned by Government Ministers and colleagues, with Foreign Office Minister Alan Duncan saying it’s the “most disgusting comment in modern British politics”.

Maliblue: Hex

- When I read about how it’s yoga-house, accelerationist-pop, symbolising “movement and achieving zen through accepting ongoing chaos”, my head begins to ache a little. That’s the exact opposite of how I feel when I actually listen to the elusive Melbourne artist Maliblue’s new record, Hex.

Sauna Youth: Deaths

- Deaths is the third album from London punk band Sauna Youth. Their unique, tightly wound style of punk music fuses elements of garage-rock style riffage with a repetitive post-punk rhythmic sensibility littered with bouts of harsh textural experimentalism from all directions. Alternatingly at times reminiscent of Total Control, Wire and This Heat, but ultimately not falling into the same category as any of them.

Spiritualized: And Nothing Hurt

- It's coming up to thirty years since Mr J. Spaceman (or Jason Pierce, as his mother –presumably– calls him) first started up space-rock behemoth Spiritualized, and though the eight records he's released under that moniker are all immensely layered, he has been the sole constant in the band throughout that time.