Two Toowoomba Grammar Students in Hospital from Rugby

Two boys from the Toowoomba Grammar school have been hospitalised after two seperate, serious rugby union incidents.

The first incident occurred on July 13, where a year 12 student dislocated a vertebra and fractured a disc after hitting the ground.

The second incident occurred on July 14 and was of a similar nature.

The first student was flown to the Princess Alexandra Hospital for surgery, where he is expected to stay for four to eight pending his recovery.

Wildfires Stretch Across Article Circle

Hot, dry conditions have sparked dozens of forest fires across Sweden and as far north as the Arctic Circle

Copernicus Earth Observation Programme said 60 fires are burning in Sweden, while more fires have also been reported in Norway, Finland and Russia.

With temperatures expected to reach higher than 30 degrees in the coming days, thousands of residents have been warned to remain inside to protect themselves from smoke inhalation, while others have been evacuated from their homes.

Thai Soccer Team Pray For Good Luck

The Thai soccer players who were rescued from a flooded cave have visited a Buddhist temple to pray for protection from misfortunes.

Eleven of the boys and the Wild Boars coach prayed together with chanting monks at the ceremony, which is meant to extend one's life and protect it from dangers.

The team has said they would ordain as Buddhist novices to honour the former Thai navy seal diver, who died in the cave while preparing for their rescue.

Debt Collectors Chase Ambulance Bill

A man whose wife was taken to hospital in an ambulance after suffering a leg fracture says a call from debt collectors was the first time he was told money was owing to Ambulance Victoria.

David, whose last name has been withheld, came forward with his concerns after it was revealed yesterday that a good Samaritan was chased by debt collectors after she called an ambulance for a stranger who had been hit by a car.

Australian Nun Threatened Deportation from Philippines

On Thursday, the Philippines issued a deportation order for an elderly Australian nun who angered President Rodrigo Duterte.

Sister Patricia Fox, 71, has been accused of illegally engaging in political activism as the government cracks down on foreign critics on its soil.

Fox, who has been living in the Philippines since 1990, drew the president’s attention after joining a volunteer mission to investigate alleged abuses against farmers.

Moreton Island owners resolve service fee disputes

Property owners at Moreton Island’s Tangalooma Island Resort are relieved, after resolving a long-term dispute with the resort’s fee hikes.

House and apartment owners at the resort have seen their annual service fees rise up to 300 per cent in the last ten years.

The Queensland Government brokered mediation to halt the annual increases and fix future increases at a standard rate.

3D Printed Guns Found on Sunshine Coast

Police have charged a Sunshine Coast man after 3D-printed handguns were found during a police raid, among other illegal items including fake drivers licenses and credit cards.

Detective Senior Sergeant Daren Edwards said the guns had the potential to cause serious harm, as the guns can go through security scanners and aren’t made of metal.

Edwards said that the case was an example of criminals using technology to their advantage.

French President under fire after staff member beats protestor

French President, Emmanuel Macron, has been severely criticised after his office only briefly suspended a security chief for beating a May Day protester and posing as a police officer.

The staff member, Alexandre Benalla, had only been given permission to witness the demonstrations as an observer, but a video released of the May Day rally showed he went beyond this.

Having only been given a 15 day suspension as punishment for unacceptable behaviour, Macron’s critics say the incident reinforces ideas of an out-of-touch president.