Toronto mass shooting leaves 14 injured, 2 dead

A mass shooting in Toronto has left thirteen people injured and two dead, including a ten-year-old girl and an eighteen-year-old woman.

An unidentified man repeatedly fired a pistol into cafes and restaurants. before exchanging fire with police, fleeing, and was later found dead.

Toronto police have not disclosed the still-unidentified man’s cause of death and say his motive remains unclear.

Dying with Dignity urges Longman voters to quiz candidates on voluntary euthanasia position

Assisted dying lobbying group Dying with Dignity has urged residents of the Longman electorate to set the pace for the rest of the state on assisted dying.


President of Dying with Dignity Jos Hall said we live in a smart state and yet Queenslanders are still to find their own way to avoid prolonged pain and suffering.


Ms Hall is urging resident to ask the candidates for their seat what their position on the issue is so their vote could make a difference.


Training in central Queensland celebrated in regional awards round.

Eleven awards for training and apprenticeships have been presented over the weekend at the regional final of the Queensland Training awards.


Six apprentices, trainees and vocational students were presented with an award, as well as one vocational educator, a training project and three employers.


Female heart attack victims facing discrimination

New research finds female heart attack victims may be experiencing unconscious gender bias from hospitals due to receiving fewer preventative medications and treatments than men, despite being more likely to die.


Coronary heart disease is one of the leading cause of death for females, but the common perception that heart attacks mostly happen to men is possibly leading to complacency from the public and medical profession.


Mayor denies plan for Kangaroo Island Bridge

The mayor of Kangaroo Island in South Australia has denied any plans to build a bridge connecting the island to the mainland.


The proposed four-lane, 14-kilometre-long bridge over backstairs passage was proposed by Universal Bridging Consortium and backed by SA best MP Frank Pangallo.


Mayor of Kangaroo Island Pete Clements said the community is trying to protect something very precious at Kangaroo Island and a new bridge would not protect this branding.


Former Farc rebels welcomed in Colombian congress

Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos welcomed former FARC rebels at the opening session of parliament as part of the peace deal reached in 2016.


The Farc is now a political party known as the Revolutionary Alternative Common Force with five seats in the Senate and five in the House of Representatives but the former rebels were not welcomed by many in Congress.


Trump administration to change Endangered Species Act

The Trump administration is proposing changes to eliminate automatic protections for threatened plant and animal species in the Endangered Species Act, making it easier for species to be removed from the list.


Officials say the change will streamline the regulatory process and is the latest efforts from the White House to remove environmental regulations.


Environmentalist groups have reacted negatively saying the proposed change could have disastrous lasting effects on at-risk species.