Ipswich City Council to be scrapped
Ipswich City Council is set to be sacked under new legislation announced by Stirling Hinchcliffe yesterday.
The legislation will be discussed in state parliament today, with the Ipswich City Council to be dissolved and administrators put in place until 2020.
Hinchcliffe cited dysfunction and lack of financial stability in the area as one of the primary motivations for the legislation, with Ipswich City Councillors calling the decision “undemocratic.”
King Tide warnings for Queenslanders
Queenslanders are being warned to exercise caution around ocean or river frontages on the South East coast over the coming days with king tides expected.
Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey warns novices not to get caught out by the wider tidal ranges, especially when launching and retrieving boats.
For Northerly ports such as Townsville, the highest tides of the season are expected next month, and could hit close to 4 metres in height.
Eastern Quoll sees hopes to return to mainland
After 50 years, a program to reintroduce Eastern Quolls to Australian mainland has seen success with 15 offspring found in the pouches of females off the NSW south coast.
The furry carnivore, usually about the size of a domestic cat, disappeared from the mainland in the 1960s but remained in Tasmania.
Researchers for the program have hailed the discovery for showing huge potential for long-term success for the Eastern Quoll.
Napoleon Perdis facing lawsuit over pay
The former general manager of Napoleon Perdis cosmetics is suing his former employer over unpaid bonuses and other outstanding contractual payments.
John Rosiello also claims he was expected to perform exhausting personal errands for Mr Perdis, including arranging his father’s funeral and artificially ensuring his Instagram’s notability.
A legal representative for Perdis Cosmetics says their clients are not able to comment as the matter is currently before the courts.
Boris Johnson resigns
Boris Johnson has resigned as British Foreign Minister in protest of government plans for a close trading relationship with the European Union.
Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed Jeremy Hunt as a replacement for Johnson.
The Brexit deal remains an area of scrutiny for officials within the EU, with the resignation of Johnson and David Davis seemingly providing a dampener on the legitimacy of the deal being executed.
War between Ethiopia and Eritrea comes to a close
Leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea announced the decades-long state of war between the nations is at an end.
Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed the agreement on Monday.
The agreement will see the opening of embassies, developments of ports and resumption of flights between the two Horn of Africa countries.
4ZZZ Top 20
1. Clea - Cool Days (Single)
2. Niterunner - Stay Tonight (Single)
3. Miss Blanks - Good Good D (Single)
4. VOIID - Not For You (Single)
5. Flangipanis - Always The Bridesmaid
6. WAAX - Labrador (Single)
7. Chakra Efendi - Grow Up (Single)
8. Florence + The Machine - High As Hope
9. Mallrat - In The Sky EP
10. Rebel Yell - Hired Muscle
11. The Stilts - The Stilts EP
12. Terra Pines - Terra Pines
13. The Pretty Fingers - You're My Friend (Single)
LNP members vote to save Christmas but not the environment
This is Danielle with your 11am Zedlines
Image source: Pexels
State Library exhibition shares hidden stories
The State Library exhibition Hidden Histories from Queensland Islands is sharing previously untold stories and photographs until 2019.
Phyllis Ebbaged is one story featuring cassette tapes she recorded during her 12-year forced quarantine on Peel Island when it was suspected she had leprosy.
Newspaper clippings of her misadventures and rendezvous with her husband are just some of the highlights at the exhibition.
Indigenous Australians almost four times more likely to develop diabetes
Indigenous Australians are almost four times as likely to develop diabetes or pre-diabetes, according to a statement by Diabetes Australia as part of national diabetes week commencing today.
According to the organisation, both type 1 and 2 diabetes are being diagnosed too late in indigenous and Torres Strait islander persons, with the delay putting many at risk of developing life-threatening health problems such as strokes, kidney failure and heart attacks.