Protesters call for new Brexit Vote

Thousands of people have marched through the streets of London demanding a new Brexit vote, related to the terms of Brexit.

The Protests were organised by Open Britain who say 100,000 protesters flooded the streets waving European and Irish flags calling for a “people's vote”.

Hundreds of people also joined pro-brexit protests, carrying union flags and St. George’s flag.

Trump calls for deportation without court appearances

US President Donald Trump has called for the US to deport people without facing court, conflicting with current immigration laws.

The President's comments come after he signed an executive order stopping the separation of children from their parents at the US-Mexico border.

A lack of judicial proceeding for Illegal immigrants would forgo the need for Judges and would be an overhaul of the current immigration process.

Rebel Yell: Hired Muscle

- It’s really gratifying to hear how the world has taken to the -let’s be honest- alarming sounds of Grace Stevenson. Two years on from the lo-fi industrial-dance hell of her debut EP, Mother Of Millions and there’s a real sense of anticipation for her first album, Hired Muscle. It’s an enthusiasm for her brutal brand of music that I just couldn’t have imagined when she first kicked all this off.

Susie Scurry: The Elvis Hour

- There’s a moment, just a  moment, in the long, slow lilt of I Don’t, a song that moseys through the middle of Susie Scurry’s new EP, out of the rustling of the hushed, brushed snares and Scurry’s half-whispered vocals. Piano chords ring quietly, like bells in the breeze and the string section you never knew was there is only just audible now, but because of that is all the more transporting.

Tanaya Harper: Some Kinds

- Sometimes writing music that's raw and truthful can be a difficult challenge and other times it can be a cathartic release for both the performer and the listener. With Some Kinds in mind, the debut EP from Perth local Tanaya Harper, it's definitely the latter. A deeply personal narrative about living with the struggles of mental health issues, her EP is deceptive. Sometimes pretty and light but other times depressing and full of angst, Some Kinds is a brave first effort for Harper.

Melania Trump Makes Surprise Trip to US-Mexican Border

US President, Donald Trump, has told federal agencies to reunite migrant families as First Lady, Melania Trump, made a surprise trip to the US-Mexican border.

Melania said she was glad to be there and looking forward to seeing the children, adding she would like to help reunite children with their families as quickly as possible.

However, the political comprise the first lady had sought so far has not materialised.

Yemen on the Brink of Disaster

Yemen is on the brink of humanitarian disaster as rebels and Saudi-led forces interfere with the deliveries of food, fuel and aid.

Amnesty International has accused the two groups as inflicting potential war crimes by breaching international law.  

More than 8 million people in Yemen have been put at risk of starvation, and aid groups fear the battle for Hodeida, which imports most of the aid and commercial supplies shipped in to Yemen, could have widespread and fatal consequences.

Domestic Violence Increase Linked to State of Origin Games

La Trobe University’s Centre for Alcohol Police Research has released a report, which found a 40 percent increase in domestic violence on State of Origin Wednesday matches in New South Wales, as compared to regular Wednesday nights.

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education research manager, Dr Melanie Pescud said that the NRL has a responsibility to acknowledge the research and create a plan to solve the problem, such as lowering the game’s extensive sponsorships and advertising of alcohol.

Animal Activists Charged with Animal Cruelty  

Thirteen animal activists have been charged with animal cruelty following a raid on a chicken farm in Sydney.

The group was looking to protest alleged animal cruelty against the farm but some chickens died during their attempted raid.

All thirteen were taken to the local police station, with one of the activists saying that they were there to be a voice for the hens and put pressure on the authorities.