Show Dogs movie with 'troubling message about sexual abuse' set for release in Australia

A new children’s movie with a troubling message about sexual abuse is set for release in Australia.

In the comedy Show Dogs, the main canine character is sexually abused but is advised to stay "zen" when he objects to it.

Variety declared it was aimed squarely at pre-schoolers who think bathroom and crotch jokes are the amusing.

The National Centre on Sexual Exploitation said the caper sends "a troubling message that grooms children for sexual abuse".

Crossbench senator’s Adani conflict of interest

A crossbench senator that has voted in support of the Adani Carmichael mine in central Queensland, would benefit financially from the opening of the mine.

The ABC has reported the Liberal Democrat Senator, David Leyonhjelm, has a financial interest in the Abbot Point ship terminal.

In contrast to state-based rules for councillors, Federal members are not required to abstain when voting on matters where they have a financial interest.

Only Federal cabinet ministers are required to “make arrangements to avoid conflicts of interests arising from their investments.”

Council to resume houses to deliver $40 million road upgrade

More than 25 property resumptions are required to widen a road that carries 37,000 motorists a day in North Brisbane.

The $40 million upgrade to Murphy and Ellison Roads at Geebung will require Brisbane City Council to resume 9 homes as well as parts of 17 other properties.

The $40 million upgrade is set to widen Murphy Road to four lanes from Gympie Road through to Butt Street and improve the safety at the Murphy Road, Kittyhawk Drive and Butt Street intersections.

Queensland Rail splurge on buses

Queensland Rail will spend $25 million over two years on buses to transport passengers when trains are unavailable due to track outages, according to figures obtained by the ABC under ‘Right of Information.’

Queensland Rail has spent about the same amount over the two financial years up to March 2018 on providing alternative travel during network outages.

Transport Minister Mark Bailey said it was the “normal cost of maintaining a railway system.”

Eggshell Skull (a memoir): an expedition through Australia's legal system

It was a sweltering January in Brisbane, and day one of my new job as a judge's associate at the Queensland District Court. I had finished law school at the end of 2014 and returned to my home state in the new year after two months of travelling around the United States, eating hotdogs and drinking Budweiser. New stretch marks at my hips were itchy from my fast increase in weight over the holidays. Sweat was soaking into the underarms of the shirt I'd ironed that morning. Things were off to a bad, and late, start. I took a deep breath and knocked on Judge's door.

Deadly Nipah virus causes panic in India

The brain-damaging Nipah virus has caused panic in India as the death toll continues to rise.


The rare virus has claimed the lives of 10 people, with medial teams working around the clock to manage the disease. According to Health Minister K.K. Shailaja, we have no prior experience in dealing with the virus but it is being effectively contained’.


Residents living in the virus’ epicentre and presenting with symptoms like fever are ‘swarming’ hospitals to check they don’t have the virus.

Private jet crashes in Honduras

A private jet from Texas has crashed off a runway in Honduras, but miraculously all passengers and crew have survived.


Footage has emerged of local residents pulling passengers out of the plane which split in half upon impact. Passengers are said to be in a stable condition and the airport has been temporarily shut down.


The Tegucilgapa airstrip surrounded by mountains is notorious for being difficult to land on, with a 2008 plane crash in the same place killing five people.

Sydney scammers defraud over $1 million

An identity theft syndicate has been busted over a phone scam which saw 200 people have their details stolen, defrauding over $1 million dollars. 


The two year investigation ended after three Sydney properties were raided, with police finding electronic equipment, MDMA tablets and more than $10,000 in cash.


Three men have been arrested and charged with 80 offences and will appear in court next month.

Woman's body found on beach

A woman’s body has been found this morning by a passer-by washed up on a North Cronulla beach.


The unidentified woman was found fully clothed and a post-mortem exam will be conducted to discover the cause of death.


Police have set up a crime scene on the beach with a helicopter conducting a search of the area as investigations continue.


If you have any information, please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Australia's biggest morning tea happening tomorrow

Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is back again this year, with locals across Australia hosting events in support of the charity.


In Brisbane city, the Stamford Plaza is hosting a ‘Right and Royal’ themed morning tea, fundraising in support of those affected by cancer.


Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea events can be held anytime throughout May or June as an easy and fun way for people to unite and give back.