Victoria bridge closure could lead to higher tolls

The Victoria Bridge closure has sparked concerns that road users will have to use the Go Between toll bridge as an alternative route.


Brisbane City Council proposed banning cars from the bridge in 2016 and turning it into a “green bridge” as part of the $944 million dollar Brisbane Metro Project.


Public and active transport chairman Adrian Schrinner said motorists will not be forced to pay for toll roads as part of the closure, assuring the council modelling shows no change in traffic volume on the Go Between bridge.

Lava from Hawaiian Volcano forces local power plant to shut down

Lava in Hawaii has crept towards a geothermal power plant forcing the workers to shut down facilities due to fears of deadly gases.


Flowing lava has been seen from the Kilauea Volcano, and workers in the nearby power plant have removed flammable substances and the deep-underground wells have been filled with cold water.


If the lava flows into the wells before they’re plugged, it could release lethal Hydrogen sulphate gas.

MH370 wasn't deliberately crashed by pilot

Australian investigators have dismissed claims that Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was deliberately crashed by the pilot.


The Australian Transport Safety Bureau rejected claims that the flight was the subject of “controlled ditching” into the sea.


The Bureau maintains that the pilot was unconscious during the final moments of the flight.

Optus to pay $million in fines

Optus will pay $1.5 million after Consumer Watchdog found the company pressured customers to move to the NBN sooner than required.


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in December launched court proceedings against Optus after they urged people to move to the NBN before the telco was allowed to cancel the services.


Mysterious radio signal found in outer space

Scientists have detected a radio signal from billions of light-years away during their search for aliens.


The Breakthrough Listen project launched by Stephen Hawking in 2015 is the biggest search for extraterrestrial life and detected the radio signal while scanning skies from Australia.


The Fast Radio Burst, as it’s known, is said to last for a millisecond and sound like an ambulance siren, but according to scientists, ‘aliens are unlikely to be behind the rare and mysterious signal’.

Brisbane is hosting international robotics and animation conference

The International Conference on Robotics and Animation is being held in Brisbane this week, with thousands of the world’s most skilled robotic engineers exhibiting their new ideas and concepts.


This is the first time in the event’s 35-year history that it is being held in the Southern Hemisphere, Queensland University of Technology being a leader in Robotics research and home to the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision.


Rural Australian's struggle to receive help from mental health professionals

Queensland’s regional mental health patients are struggling to access help because of the ongoing national shortage of psychiatrists.


Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists President, Dr Kym Jenkins, says there are roughly two psychiatrists per 100,000 people in rural Queensland.

In the cities however, that number is about 18 per 100,000.

Zombie warning issued in Florida

An “extreme zombie activity” warning issued during a power outage in Florida has sparked confusion amongst residents.


Over 7000 people received the alarming message to look out for the undead, but city spokesman Ben Kerr says there was never threat of a zombie invasion.


City officials say the message was likely hacked and apologised to the affected residents.