Rotten durian causes university evacuation

More than 500 students and teacher’s have been evacuated from a Melbourne university as a result of a smell initially thought to be gas.

However the smell that had spread throughout RMIT’s library was in fact a rotten durian, a tropical fruit known for its strong stinky smell, that had been left in a cupboard.

The building has now been reopened, Melbourne's Metropolitan Fire Brigade said in a statement.

Rohingya refugees plead with UN for justice and safety

Rohingya refugees have pleaded with the UN Security Council to help them to safely return to their homes in Myanmar and for justice for the killings, rape and arson that has taken place at the hands of the Myanmar military.

Security Council envoys visited the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh which houses many of the 700, 000 refugees which fled Myanmar’s Rakhine state.

The envoys will today travel to Myanmar to meet with its de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who has drawn condemnation for her handling of the crisis.

Burst water main causes CBD traffic headache

A burst water main is interrupting traffic in Brisbane’s CBD this morning.

According to the Queensland Traffic Metro, the plumbing rupture is at George Street between Mary and Margaret streets.

Meanwhile, a lane closure at the end of the Margaret Street off-ramp from the Riverside Expressway was banking traffic back to Dutton Park along the M3.

Lanks: twentyseven

- Multi-instrumentalist Will Cumings aka LANKS returns with debut full-length, twentyseven. Deeply personal, the record documents his love story with his now-wife, addresses the stigma surrounding the modern day mental health crisis and his own battles with a crippling fear of failure.Sprawling opening track Man prefaces the record with mathy percussion reminiscent of Antidotes-era Foals. LANKS fastidiously builds with purring synth and delicate keys as the cut swells to a blistering climax.

Sleep: The Sciences

- Comeback albums are always a dangerous prospect. A band breaking up can see their legacy take on a life of its own, as fans augment memories with a heavy dose of idealism. With standards set impossibly high, it’s no surprise many artists end up a shadow of their former selves.