Aussie-first drug testing trial deemed a ‘success’

Canberra's Groovin the Moo festival held the nation's first illegal pill-testing trial over the weekend.

Out of the 128 participants, 85 samples were tested. Half of them were pure MDMA while the other half included, lactose, sweetener and paint. Despite this, 2 samples were found deadly.

Chief Executive of the Ted Noffs Foundation, Matt Noffs, says this is a big step in taking back control and making our kids safer.

Migrant caravan rallies at US-Mexico border

Hundreds of people from a Central American migrant caravan have united at the US-Mexico border, with some going as far as climbing the border wall, ahead of making formal asylum claims that could land them in detention centres.

The month-long caravan which gathered 1,500 immigrants from countries such as Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador drew the wrath of US President Donald Trump, but were welcomed by Mexican towns along their journey.

Syrian Democratic Forces repel government attack

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have reclaimed government territory in the Deir Az Zor province in the east of Syria.

The Kurdish led SDF fought against government forces to push them away from several villages that line the Euphrates River.

The SDF and Syrian government have rarely come into conflict in the last few years as they both continue to fight ISIS in the region.

Make over for Aussie schools needed now more than ever

Federal education minister Simon Birmingham commissioned a report concluding Australia’s education system has “failed a generation” of school children.

Lower grades in maths, science and English over the past 18 years has led the Turnbull government to pass “Gonski 2.0”, a school funding plan late last year.

Gonski 2.0 has been reviewed by businessman David Gonski. Gonski states that Australia needs to overhaul its “industrial model” of school education, declaring it no longer helps students maximise their learning growth.

Government must take action against deforestation, says Wilderness Society

An environmental organisation has called on the government to do more about deforestation in Queensland in light of the new Great Barrier Reef rescue package.

The Wilderness Society say deforestation is a threat to the Great Barrier Reef with 40% of land clearing in Queensland happening in reef catchment areas.

Wilderness Society Climate Campaign Manager Glenn Walker says deforestation is Australia’s hidden environmental crisis and the rates of deforestation in Queensland are particularly disturbing.

Remembering Expo 88

Thirty years ago today World Expo 88 was celebrated in Brisbane bringing an important legacy to the city which re-positioned Brisbane as a world capital.

Considered a success with a festive atmosphere, the expo ran for six months, with the celebration attracting more than 15 million visitors to South Bank to represent more than 40 countries.

Opened by Queen Elizabeth II, World Expo 88 hosted pop stars, politicians and monarchs who helped change Brisbane culturally and physically and remains a memorable celebration for Australians.

Best New Arrivals - April Pt. 4


Midas.Gold: Love Me Like Alison (Single) (R.E.A.L Music)

- From a simple loosie to full-bodied releases to what seems like constant interstate shows, Hip Hop artist, Midas.Gold doesn’t stop working. This latest single is a psychedelic balance of ascending individualism and some hard-hitting demonstrations of why he can be confident in his path. (Nicholas J. Rodwell)

Federal Government pledges Great Barrier Reef preservation package

The Federal Government has announced $500 million worth of funding for the Great Barrier Reef to help with tackling problems facing the reef.

The funding will be focused on restoring water quality and protecting it from crowns-of-thorns starfish, which have been eating corals, and destroying large areas of the reef.

Last year, UNESCO considered putting the reef on the “in danger” list of world heritage sites due to the unprecedented damage that has been caused by coral bleaching in recent years.