Only 7% of recyclable material is going to landfill

Brisbane residents are producing more than 90,000 tonnes of recyclable waste every year with almost half being paper and cardboard.

Amid questions surrounding South East Queensland's recycling, it has been revealed that 7% of the recyclables is going to landfill.

Council's waste and resource recovery service manager, Arron Lee, says the escalating landfill levies and glass is a problem for Australia’s recycling industry.


Murray-Darling basin plans may be unlawful

Lawyers are warning that the Murray-Darling basin plans are likely to be unlawful.

Bret Walker, the chairman of the South Australian royal commission into the Murray-Darling basin plan, warns it will not meet the original water recovery target of 2,750 Gigalitres.

Mr Walker believes the Water Act could be challenged in court and amendments debated by the Senate are likely to be invalid as well.


Brisbane farmers protest outside parliament

Several hundred farmers have gathered outside state parliament in Brisbane this morning to express their opposition to tree clearing laws to be introduced by the Labor government.

Accompanied by signs reading ‘Annastacia please listen’ and ‘I am a farmer these laws affect me’, the farmers used the opportunity as a last minute effort to kill off the changes.

Israel accuses Iran of lying about nuclear program

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of lying  about its nuclear program and says it continues to pursue its nuclear ambitions.

Netanyahu said in a televised address on Monday that he had new ‘proof’ of an Iranian nuclear weapons plan that could be activated at any time.

Whilst Netanyahu accused Israel’s main enemy, he did not provide evidence that it had actively worked to obtain an atomic weapon since the 2015 agreement  between Tehran and six world powers including the US.

Students focused less on vocational subjects than academic ones

More students are staying at school to complete year 12 but many are doing subjects not useful to them, according to the latest Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools.

Review chairperson David Gonski said Australia needs a review of its education system to correct the skewed focus on academic subjects to the detriment of vocational subjects.

Gonski also suggested fostering greater involvement with the community in training students to be more employment ready.

Perth events company shut down leaving artists without pay

Perth events company, JumpClimb, closed its door after being behind a scandal of leaving artists waiting on about $200,000 of outstanding pay.

A company statement said they are no longer able to operate due to a combination of factors including a downturn in ticket sales on recent projects, debtors going into receivership and the general economic slow-down.

The statement further said they are currently attempting to settle accounts with their existing creditors.