Resident parking to take over city commuter parking

A new residential parking scheme is to be introduced in West End and Highgate Hill, which will restrict all street parking to a two hour maximum without a residential permit.

The scheme would see all streets south of Brighton Rd in West End and west of Gladstone Rd in Highgate Hill covered by residential  permit parking and all residents in the area will be issued with one resident and one visitor permit.

The proposed scheme comes after residents vocalised their frustration over being parked out of their streets by commuters.

Ipswich City Council mayor charged with corruption

Ipswich mayor Andrew Antoniolli has been charged with seven counts of fraud by Queensland’s Crime and Corruption Commission relating to the purchase of charity auction items using Council money.

Cr Antoniolli has only been mayor since August 2017, when he ran on a platform of “accountability and transparency” in response to then-mayor Paul Pisasale being charged with a range of offences including corruption and abuse of office.

Carb On Carb: For Ages

- It's not always easy being a fully grown adult who appreciates emo. And not just because the term is frequently hijacked to describe seemingly any form of music. It's more that, as you develop into adulthood and a sense of proportion, it becomes harder to give your time to the deathly serious confessions of anguish from tortured songwriters; almost impossible to sit through the adolescent fury of dudes with broken hearts.

Suss Cunts: Temper

- The super power-trio that form Melbourne's Suss Cunts are back with a vengeance on their new EP Temper, and this time around the production is sharper, the guitars fuzzed, the bass driving and grinding, trading in some of the abstract rawness of older songs like Anaemic Boyfriend or Shit Friend for pure, direct, venom. The lyrics are harsher, more pointed than in earlier releases, tackling a variety of traumas and grievances with society.

4ZZZ Top 20

1. Nice Biscuit - Fairfield Of Dreams (Single)

2. Courtney Barnett - City Looks Pretty (Single)

3. 100% - New All (Single)

4. Hatchie - Sugar & Spice (Single)

5. Alice Skye - Friends With Feelings

6. Whalehouse - Sexy Whale Beach Party (Single)

7. Blank Realm - Last Seen

8. Terra Pines - Kidult (Single)

9. Tape/Off - Day In, Day Out (Single)

10. Tropical Fuck Storm - Rubber Bullies (Single)

11. Cheeky Velvet - Hello Sailor (Single)

12. Baker Boy - Mr La Di Da Di (Single)

13. Donny Benet - The Don

Iranian women disguised themselves as men to attend matches

Several Iranian woman have revealed they disguise themselves as men to attend football matches.

Wearing wigs and fake beards, they went to the matches to support their favourite team.

Although there is no outright ban on women for attending the sporting events, they are often refused entry to the venues.

India's Supreme Court seeking foreign aid to stop Taj Mahal changing colour

India's supreme Court is urging the government to seek foreign aid in stopping the Taj Mahal from changing colour.

The Court justices believe the government either doesn't have the expertise or doesn't care about the issue.

The justices say the famous tomb is turning from yellow to brown and green and believe pollution, construction and insect dung are among the causes.


Germaine Greer says women are responsible for driving depiction of on screen sex and violence

Germaine Greer, recognised Australian writer, intellectual and feminist has stirred up controversy as she claims women are responsible for driving the depiction of on screen sex and violence.

Ms Greer referenced a study conducted by the University of Texas which says a third of women regularly fantasies about being violated and then linked it to female viewers of crime drama who consume 60-80% of the genre.

National Park to reintroduce locally-extinct creatures for the first time in 200 years

Sturt National Park is preparing for the return of seven native creatures after being  locally-extinct for more than 200 years.

Construction has begun on the two 20-square kilometre enclosures for the animals, with volunteers busy collection samples and mammals.

Animals that are returning include bandicoots, the greater stick-nest rat, burrowing bettongs, the crest tailed mulgara, the western quoll and, the first mammal to be introduction in 2-19 - bilbies.

Cyclists stage a "die-in" in response to cyclist being hit by car

More than fifty Brisbane cyclist staged a “die-in” protest near the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital at 8:25 this morning.

Led by Greens councillor for the Gabba, Jonathan Sri the protest was sparked after a nineteen year old was hit at the same intersection two weeks ago.

Councillor Sri acknowledged the act was controversial, but says “after years of advocacy, it's clear that evidence-based arguments and rational debate alone are not working to shift the cultural biases within the bureaucracy, so we need to take a more assertive approach.”