Brisbane River to be Quarantined after coal tar leak

Portions of the Brisbane River will reportedly be quarantined later this week after testing has revealed high levels of coal tar present in the West End section of the river.

According to a leaked Brisbane City Council report, a former processing plant is responsible for the leak with significant groundwater and soil contamination stretching as far as 40 meters from shore.

The council says walking along the riverside should still be relatively safe, however urges people not to come in contact with the water until the quarantine is lifted.

The Vagina Monologues

Monologues against Domestic Violence
Leading Ladies fund raise against Domestic Violence
2018 marks the 20th Anniversary of ‘The Vagina Monologues’. Based on Eve Ensler's interviews with more than 200 women, ‘The Vagina Monologues’ became a global movement to end violence against women and girls. With humour and grace, the play celebrates women and their strength.

FREE Green Jam @ Qpac


The Long Johns kick off Green Jam 2018
this Friday 2 February 2018

Queensland Performing Arts Centre’s (QPAC) much-loved free Friday music sessions return on 2 February as four-piece posse The Long Johns jump start Green Jam for 2018 on the Melbourne Street Green with their spooky country music and old timey swing.

Featuring a line-up of banjos, sousaphone, National guitar and pots and pans, The Long Johns are guaranteed to bring a tincture of dark country and barnyard bangers.

2 Turkish soldiers dead following military operation in Syria

Two Turkish soldiers were killed after their helicopter was shot down during an operation against Kurdish fighters in northern Syria.

The loss of the helicopter has been predicted to spark an escalation in violence in the multisided Syrian civil war.

Since the Turkish conflict in Ankara started at least thirty civilians and soldiers have been killed.

Solar Energy boom predicted for 2018

Analysts found that Australia’s solar power boom could almost double capacity within the next year.

January, and now February, were record-breaking months for rooftop installations and the development of large-scale solar farms in Australia with a massive solar energy boom now being predicted for 2018 as a result.