Petrol Girls

<p><span><span><span>- English/Austrian punks Petrol Girls are back with their third full-length </span><em>Baby</em><span>. The previous one, 2019’s </span><em>Cut and Stitch,</em><span> was a wonderful album of intelligent, emotional and intense punk rock. It had been a big step up from 2016 </span><em>Talk of Violence, </em><span>so I was intrigued to hear what they would come up with this time.</span></span></span></p>

QT presents Robyn Archer: An Australian Songbook

Queensland Theatre presents Robyn Archer: An Australian Songbook to audiences this winter season and there is no better time to grab a drink and settle yourself in for a night of theater in the Billie Brown Studio. A Queensland Theatre performance like no other you get a little bit of everything thrown in from political commentary, blues music, folk tales and parody.


Logic: Vinyl Days

<p><span><span>- I have to admit, despite his extensive presence in the game -for the last decade- this is the first time I have ever heard a full Logic<strong> </strong>project. The Maryland MC has always had listeners on either end of the love/hate spectrum so when latest project <em>Vinyl Days </em>garnered a positive response I was intrigued. Coming on the heels of ‘retirement’, Logic has decided to ditch the Def Jam label by delivering one last love letter to hip-hop.</span></span></p>