Elsy Wameyo: Nilotic

<p><span><span><em>- Nilotic</em> is the debut EP from Adelaide-based/Kenyan-born rapper, singer and producer Elsy Wameyo. It is the latest in an impressive stream of music from Australia’s migrant and refugee communities by label <strong>Music In Exile</strong>.</span></span></p>

Jamie Lane: Pleroma

<p><span><span><span>- Baby-faced beatmaker Jamie Lane is back and he’s been getting busy during the pandemic. For a man as hyper-focused on music-making as Lane, the time away from the dancefloor has been a gift, now delivering the fans that rarest of things from a dance producer: a whole album’s worth of work. It’s not short on ambition, either. Is </span><em>Pleroma</em><span> what that strange name promises, a summation of divine power?

Confidence Man: Tilt

<p><span><span>- The thirty year rule is a sometime adhered to practice on the release of government papers – the thoughts and decisions of an almost by-gone age get an airing when some of the main players aren’t around to suffer embarrassment, or if they are, they might be too senile or forgotten to be that worried by the revelations.

Denzel Curry: Melt My Eyez See Your Future

<p><span><span>- Florida rapper Denzel Curry’s music has perplexed me since 2018’s <em>Taboo</em> in that while I haven’t ever hated one of his projects -in fact didn’t mind <em>Zuu </em>or <em>Unlocked-</em> I was never quite drawn back. None the less, Curry remains extremely popular and when new album <em>Melt My Eyez, See Your Future </em>received an extreme level of hype, I decided to hop on the train and see what <em>Zeltron</em> had in store for me.</span></span></p>