Cancer Bats: Psychic Jailbreak

<p><span><span>- It’s been a while since I’ve checked in with <strong>Cancer Bats</strong>. Always at the very forefront of hardcore for the masses, it kind of threw me when I saw they’d recently parted ways with their long time guitarist<strong> Scott Middleton </strong>after seventeen years of service. I wondered how they’d continue on after such a major change. The answer? Without a single issue and without being rankled in the slightest.

Bree Van Reyk: Superclusters

<p><span><span><span>- If it seems like Bree Van Reyk has a lot of projects orbiting her musical world, it’s because she does. Fossicking through the internet I’ve heard her in chamber ensembles and performing electronica and idm; doing avant-garde percussion or composing whole operas; I even managed to travel back twenty years and hear her slow-core, sad-core, post-rocking in her band </span><strong>The Rebel Astronauts</strong><span> (which sounded pretty good, to be honest).