Teaching union demands RAT tests availability

The Queensland Teachers’ Union have demanded a stockpile of tests to be available onsite for teachers at state schools when classes return. 

This comes as the Queensland government is set to release its plan for when school commences from January 31, however Premier Annastacia Palasczuk has already noted this plan will be delayed until Education Minister Grace Grace has made a recovery from COVID-19. 

'Busloads' of people help flooded Gympie region

Busloads of Brisbaneites are heading up the coast to the recently flood-ravaged Gympie region in an effort to provide aid to suffering local businesses.

David Rakowski who helped in the cleanup effort as part of the Mud Army, organised the event to offer a different kind of help from people who were not able to assist in the cleanup.

Australian Government buys Aboriginal Flag design for $20m

The Federal Government has paid Luritja artist Harold Thomas more than $20 Million to secure copyright for the usage of his Aboriginal Flag design. 

Efforts to “free the flag” from intellectual property laws have long been campaigned for by first nations peoples, however there are now fears free public usage of the flag could lead to further misuse and appropriation. 

COVID outbreak on HMAS affects Australia's humanitarian supply to Tonga

Two dozen personnel on Australian navy ships carrying humanitarian supplies to Tonga have been tested positive to COVID-19. 

The news has set uncertainty to Australian’s latest aid mission, which previously was an effort along with several other countries to send crucial supplies to Tonga in wake of last week’s huge volcanic eruption and tsunami. 

Funderal homes struggling with staff shortages claims 'run out of room' to accomodate deceased

A Gold Coast funeral home claims it has run out of room to accommodate deceased persons, and are struggling to find a solution due to COVID related staff shortages.

Rowan Steer from Integrity Funerals says his business has required assistance from competitors to take care of a number of planned funerals, as isolation requirements have left him without staff.