Greenpeace responds to Scott Morrison's reef 2050 plan

Greenpeace is urging the Morrison Government to directly address the effects of rising ocean temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef. 

The call is backed by a new study which states that even if global heating is capped at 1.5 degrees, the reef will still be subjected to "regular heat stress". 

This comes days after Scott Morrison announced an additional 1 billion dollars in his Reef 2050 plan. The increased funding aims to reduce threats from Crown of Thorn Starfish, protect key species, and prevent illegal fishing. 

4ZZZ Top 20

1. Taylah J - Go Figure (Single)

2. BARKAA - Blak Matriarchy

3. Jaguar Jonze - CUT (Single)

4. Cuckoo Coco - Mood Street Gas Lighting

5. Baker Boy - Gela

6. Camp Cope - Running With The Hurricane (Single)

7. Miiesha - Smoke EP

8. Flangipanis - Fuckin' Woo

9. Body Horrors - Hate Crimes (At Paramount) (Single)

10. WHALEHOUSE - Latte Art For Beginners

11. The Buzzing Towers - Sound And Humidity

12. Eyes Ninety - Red Steer (Single)

13. Eleea - Stings (Single)

14. Masochist - Bloom

phILL Thomson: Electric Crush

In no specific order:

Xen Chron - Deleted Vapor

BUG - Fire


Pauline Anna Strom - Angel Tears In Sunlight

WULFFLUW XCIV - Ngoma Injection

Blawan - Woke Up Right Handed 

Blawan - Soft waahls

Regis - Let the Night Return

rey sapienz & the congo techno ensemble: na zala zala

µ-Ziq - Scurlage 

sons of kemet - black to the future

Amyl & the sniffers - Comfort to me



Chris Cobcroft: New Releases Show

In order from least to most favourite:

#10 Too Birds: Melbourne 2

#9 Grouper: Shade

#8 Kcin: Decade Zero

#7 Tim Shiel: Distractions One

#6 Genesis Owusu: Smiling With No Teeth

#5 Spirit Bunny: Uncanny Valley

#4 Requin: Shark

#3 Springtime: Springtime

#2 Divide & Dissolve: Gas Lit

#1 Shugorei: Shugorei