Queensland Rental Prices Skyrocket

The latest annual report based on the Rental Affordability Index has revealed that the cost of rent in some Queensland regions is skyrocketing, putting many Queensland households under rental stress. 

The report shows a great deterioration in affordability for any household on less than Eighty thousand dollars a year. 

Review: Queensland Ballet Dracula

Prepare yourself for a night of gothic horror and touching romance, as Queensland Ballet brings alive the Transylvanian Count to the stage in all his graceful glory. Not just as a brooding old man as traditionally seen in film or even more recently in the Netflix adaptation of Castlevania, but instead transforming before your very eyes between the young and old Count with no special effects whatsoever, it has to be seen to be believed.


La Nina damages to be covered by new disaster fund

Overnight, Brisbane streets have recorded 140 millimetres of rainfall, with another 135 millimeters expected to fall over the next seven days. 

The Bureau of Meteorology has today declared that the La Nina event is well underway in the Pacific and warned that storm cells moving about parts of the south-east could bring further rainfall and flash flooding for the rest of the week.