Auslan interpreters scrapped from NSW press conferences

Advocates and members of the hearing impaired community are raising concerns about the disappearance of Auslan interpreters from New South Wales’ daily press conferences. 

Speaking in a statement yesterday, the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights say there is “significant concern” over the decision to scrap interpreters. 

Sunshine Coast highway upgrades

The D’Aguilar Highway in Caboolture and Pumicestone Road at Toorbul are due to be resurfaced after the community had been calling for action. 

A 662.5 million dollar Bruce Highway upgrade, from Caboolture-Bribie Island Road to Steve Irwin Way has also begun. 

State Member for Pumicestone Ali King says construction will start later this year.

The Gympie Hospital's Children's ward will reopen

The Gympie Hospital Children’s ward is set to reopen after residents of the region voiced its importance to the community.

Residents were shocked and angry after the Gympie Times Reported the ward had been closed due to a lack of paediatricians. This meant parents of unwell children and newborn babies were forced to travel 100km south to receive treatment.

New survey shows parents priorities have changed when it comes to picking schools

The Independent Schools Australia survey gathered data from 2000 parents from public, private and catholic schools in the country. 

Data shows “Gaining confidence and self-esteem” is the top priority for parents of private school students. Only 44% of parents are choosing private schools for “educational excellence” a 6% drop from the previous survey 5 years ago. 

US talks with taliban

The US just concluded their first talks with the Taliban since withdrawal of American troops. 

The meeting in Qatar focused on evacuating US citizens and providing humanitarian aid. US officials say the talks were “candid and professional” and insist the meeting does not amount to recognition of the Taliban.