Gold Coast tourism job slash

Concerning new research by the Tourism and Transport Forum revealed around 20 per cent of jobs in the tourism sector of the Gold Coast have been cut due to the impact of Covid 19. 

The total drop in tourism employment is forecasted to reach 36 per cent by December due to bans on interstate travel, affecting more than 4,500 tourism businesses.

Milestone for Torres Strait Islander children

Today marks a special milestone for Torres Strait Islander children, with a new law known as “for our children’s children” being passed.

After 30 years of advocacy by Kupai Omasker Elders, the new law will allow Torres Strait Islanders raised by extended family to transfer their legal identity from birth parents to cultural parents. 

The Wombat Comeback

Nearly extinct roughly 40 years ago, the Northern hairy-nosed wombat is making a come-back. 

With the help of Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service implementing protective measures such as habitat management, predator fencing and trial and error in understanding the wombat’s needs - has led to a population growth of over 300 - a huge increase to when the species’ number dipped to low as 35.