Sky News Australia deletes COVID misinformation Youtube Videos

Sky News Australia’s Youtube account has quietly removed more than 30 videos regarding COVID-19 misinformation.

This comes after a senates inquiry into media diversity based on the mass removal of videos from social media giant, Youtube, which said the videos were deleted due to a violation of the platforms Covid medical information policies.


Cairns await lockdown announcement

Cairns residents are awaiting news to find out if the lockdown will be lifted after a 3 day snap lockdown was put into place after a taxi driver tested positive today. 

The lockdown was said to end at 4pm this afternoon, and with no new cases the lifting of the lockdown is looking more likely.


QLD records 3 new Covid cases

Queensland has recorded 3 new locally-acquired cases overnight. All 3 cases are linked to the Indooroopilly cluster.

Two are students from Brisbane Boys Grammar and Ironside State Schools respectively. The third is a household contact of previous recorded cases at Brisbane Boys Grammar School.

Traffic noise spoils the mood for frogs

A University of the Sunshine Coast study has found that traffic noise is interfering with the mating habits of Eastern Sedge frogs.This is causing female frogs to settle for low quality mates and putting the frog population at risk.

The researchers are recommending further studies on how traffic noise impacts native fauna.

Documentary screening will raise funds this Thursday

In the mood to be uplifted by a feel good story with inspiring music? 

Multicultural Australia is partnering with the World Wellness Group and the Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma for the screening of Scattered People, a documentary about bringing cultures together through music while exploring the themes of refugees and asylum seekers. 

Frontline workers to undergo training in First Nation culture

Frontline child protection workers in South Australia will receive specialised training to support Stolen Generation families in order to reduce the rates of indigenous children entering state care. 

More than 300 workers from government and non-government groups will participate in a two day training program that will include Indigenous Australian history and traditional customs. 

WA introduces new Covid bills to track movements

On Tuesday, WA Premier Mark McGowan will introduce several new bills to stop people breaking self-isolation and social distancing rules. These new measures include electronic tracking devices, criminal charges for assaulting or threatening to assault frontline officers, and fines for failure to social distance. 

WA Police are now using drones in public places to implement the new two-person social distancing rule.