Jalang: Santau

<p><span><span>- It is a curiosity of Australian geography that culturally we live as if our continent is situated somewhere in the Atlantic between the UK and the US; rather than where it actually is amongst South East Asia and Pacific Islands.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Music is no different. Overseas musical styles, news and touring acts come almost exclusively from the UK and US, while the average Aussie music fan would know virtually nothing about our neighbours to the north.</span></span></p>


<p><span><span><em>- COBRAH</em>, the self-titled EP from the self-described Swedish ‘BDSM pop’ singer, is unlike the conveyor belt pop that Swedish songwriters are known for, instead opting to indulge in mechanical sounds, rather than in the machine itself. Like the collection of bimbo marxist tracks that it is, COBRAH’s new EP is a tightly-wound downward spiral, plunging with immediacy into chaos.</span></span></p>

Dental waitlists hit hard in Brisbane and Ipswich

According to Queensland Health’s latest statistics, 45% of Queensland patients on dental waitlists reside in Brisbane and Ipswich.

Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates claimed Labor is losing control of the state’s dental waitlist saying every Queenslander deserves to see a dentist without waiting years for an appointment.


Brisbane's COVID latest

Queensland has recorded its 13th "incursion" of COVID-19 in the community in the past six weeks when a man tested positive after leaving hotel quarantine.

He was potentially infectious in the community from July 22 and was staying in the City Backpackers hostel on Roma Street in Brisbane.

Education Department's mishandling of school asbestos exposure

During the installation of air conditioning units in Queensland state schools under the government’s Cooler Schools program in 2019, there were 19 separate incidents of asbestos exposure and disturbances.  

In November of 2019 at Sunnybank State High School contractors disturbed asbestos and it took the Education Department seventeen days to dispatch a clean-up crew to the site.

NASA's newest deep-space antenna

NASA has announced it will be building a new multi-million dollar deep-space antenna at the Canberra Deep Space Communications Centre in Tidbinbilla.

The new antenna will be used to communicate with spacecrafts more than one hundred thousand kilometres away from Earth.