New Aboriginal cultural centre on Olkola Country is planned in far north QLD

An Aboriginal cultural knowledge centre is being planned to be built in far north Queensland, on Olkola Country. 

The Centre will be designed in collaboration with The Olkola Aboriginal Corporation, The University of Melbourne, Monash University and Arup Engineering. 

Bangla TV hires the first transgender news reader

Tashnuva Anan Shishir, the first transgender news reader in Bangladesh delivered the news bulletin on the private Boishakhi  TV on Monday.

She went for several auditions, but only Boishakhi TV was brave enough to take her in.  A spokesperson of the channel says her debut is a historical step in the home to about 1.5 million transgender people. 

RINSE: Wherever I Am

<span><span><span>- Across his debut EP, Brisbane dream-pop producer RINSE feels wholly in his element. Here he channels his work from previous bands, expanding his sound in a stargazing fashion.</span></span></span>

Arab Strap: As Days Get Dark

<p><span><span>- For all of the “miserable” and “depressing” tags attached to Scottish duo Arab Strap, many seem to forget one fundamental truth – they’re also hilarious. One only needs to look at the front cover of their 2006 retrospective <em>Ten Years Of Tears</em> to get the hint, as the pair sit looking forlorn in a generic function room, a banner reading “<em>Enjoy Your Retirement, Arab Strap</em>” tacked loosely to the wall. </span></span></p>

Josh Frydenberg calls for Quants to reopen Japan to Cairns air route

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is calling for Qantas’ Japan to Cairns air route to be reopened as COVID-19 travel restrictions ease. Frydenberg says the reintroduction of the lucrative Japanese tourist market would be a major boost to North Queensland’s struggling tourism industry. Japanese tourists spent $2 billion in Australia in twenty nineteen.

Hospitality worker reveals extent of sexual harassment in Victorian workplaces

A hospitality worked in Melbourne has spoken out about sexual harassment in the workplace and says there is a culture in Victorian workplaces leaving people feeling unsafe. During her ten year hospitality career the victim says she has had sexual innuendos, physical violence and inappropriate gestures thrown at her. A ministerial taskforce for sexual harassment in the workplace was launched on Monday b