Lebanon protestors declare day of rage

Protestors in Lebanon are declaring a ‘day of rage’ against the government as the country’s economic crisis continues to deepen. President Michel Aoun has called on the military to prevent road blockages in anticipation of the protests today. Anti-government demonstrations have been ongoing in Lebanon since last year as a result of the Bei

Houthis conduct attacks deep in Saudi Arabian territory

The military spokesman for Yemen’s Houthi rebels says the Houthis have conducted attacks deep in Saudi Arabian territory, including Aramco-owned oil facilities. Saudi Arabia claims its air defences stopped the Houthi drones before they could do any damage, but the alleged attack marks yet another escalation in the weeks long back-and-forth between Houthi and Saudi forces. 

Increase in coronavirus cases detected among travelers

QLD Chief Health Officer Jeanette Young says she is concerned that a large number of coronavirus cases continue to be detected among travelers from Papua New Guinea after another 5 cases were reported on Monday. The high rate of infections in Papua New Guinea has already been flagged as a risk to vulnerable communities in the Torres Strait where the vaccination rollout will be fast-tracked. 

Whitsunday state member Amanda Camm issues apology

State member for Whitsunday Amanda Camm has apologised after she failed to declare shares in several businesses run by her husband. Despite her claim that she was unaware she owned the shares in her husband’s companies, failure to register conflicts of interests makes Ms Camm liable to be called before the Parliamentary Ethics Committee. M

Queensland Pacific Metals to produce negative CO2

Queensland Pacific Metals say they may have found a way to make their planned Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub a net negative CO2 producer. The nickel refinery is set to produce 36% less CO2 than the industry average, with QPM saying it could take this into net negative territory if it can find a way to use methane from Queensland’s coal mines for extra CO2 credits. 

Former Brazilian President free to challenge current president

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is free to challenge current president Jair Bolsonaro in next year’s elections after his corruption conviction was annulled. Lula, who previously served as president from 2003 to 2011, was convicted in 2018 on corruption charges he denounced as politically motivated.